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The Greening Of Streaming: Akamai Achieves Renewable Energy Goals Despite Pandemic Surge


Mike Mattera, Akamai's director of corporate sustainability, today published a fascinating 博客 专注于我们流媒体所说的流媒体绿化. It details how the streaming behemoth stuck to its goal of using renewable energy for its east coast data center, 尽管在2020年中期,流媒体交付需求出现了前所未有的激增.

“当你坐下来看电影或疯狂地看最新的剧集时, 你考虑过流媒体内容对世界其他地方的影响吗?马特拉写道。. "We will continue to see an uptick in carbon emissions from the power required to serve online content: servers, 网络硬件, 以及保持冷却所需的能量."

Mattera指出, 即使在疫情期间对Akamai智能边缘的持续需求也是如此, Akamai坚持其对可再生能源的承诺.

"Akamai was able to keep our emissions in check and our reduction goals on track,马特拉写道。. “在大流行开始的短短几天内, 全世界立刻都用上了互联网, 创造对我们从未见过的内容的需求. We saw what's normally a year's worth of traffic growth over the course of just one month."

在一个 2018年新闻稿, Akamai noted that a group of companies including Etsy and Swiss Re Group were attempting to bring online a wind-to-electricity energy farm in Illinois and a solar-panel-to-electricity energy farm in northern 维吉尼亚州.

“组, 在3Degrees的技术支持下, will collectively purchase 125 megawatts from a wind farm near Chicago and 165 megawatts from a solar PV project outside Fredericksburg, 维吉尼亚州,2018年的新闻稿指出. "The solar and wind projects will be developed by sPower (an AES and AIMCo company) and Geronimo Energy, 分别."

The solar farm in 维吉尼亚州 is close to the "data alley" section of northern 维吉尼亚州's Loudon County, 它是美国国内数据流量的主要互连点.S. 与大西洋接壤的州, 以及来自欧洲和英国的国际IP流量.

今天的博客文章指出,这两个项目都已经完成. 因为我住在弗吉尼亚南端附近, 那里的日照有限——至少与亚利桑那州相比是这样, 内华达, 和新墨西哥州, which have significant solar panel energy farms—I was curious about how Akamai and its partners accomplished their goal of 100% renewable energy in northern 维吉尼亚州.

"We worked with the developer to procure enough renewable energy during the daylight hours to cover our loads in 维吉尼亚州,马特拉说。, noting that the amount was equivalent to four times their standard load to help offset other areas.

"The power generated during the daylight hours produces the credits we need to run our whole operation on renewable power,他说.

当谈到大流行期间的流媒体, 我还问了关于智能边缘的问题, 阿卡迈面临的不断变化的需求, and what impact that had on planning for continued increases in both live and VOD across the winter months.

"We did see increases in both live and VOD traffic and expect that to be the case during the winter months since people are confined to their homes still,马特拉说。, 注意到直播流量继续受到体育或重大新闻事件的推动.

“你.S. election drove a significant amount of traffic during the [ballot] count," said Mattera. “从全球来看,大部分流量增长都来自视频点播, 原因很简单,我们将继续看到向按需服务的巨大转变."

Mattera也注意到了这一点, 除了视频点播和直播之外, two other areas have contributed to traffic spikes: online gaming and software downloads.

“11月, on top of our typical holiday traffic we saw a great increase in traffic due to new COVID-19 lockdown across the world,马特拉说。. "Both [March and November] platform surges were mainly related to VOD traffic and software downloads. We also expect to see a big increase right after Christmas and well into the new year as new devices (i.e.(礼物)开始出现在网上."

Part of the catalyst for the renewables push in 维吉尼亚州 came as part of Akamai's support of the 维吉尼亚州 Clean Economy Act (VCEA) which was signed into law in March 2020, 就在大流行封锁开始的时候.

"VCEA puts the commonwealth and its Data Center Alley on a clear path to 100 percent zero-carbon electricity by 2045,Mattera在今天的博客中写道. He also notes that Akamai isn't stopping at just using solar energy for the northern 维吉尼亚州 location.

"We are looking at options to get to 24/7 continuous generation renewable using other renewable sources,他说.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


毫无疑问,LCEVC是一种更高效的编解码器. But is it really going to make much of a difference in energy savings compared to other sustainability solutions?


“可持续性”可能是流媒体行业最重要的流行语, 但目前大多数定义“绿色”或“净零”流的努力都没有达到目标.


可持续发展正在改变商业格局, 广播和流媒体行业也不例外. While business and technology factors used to be the main considerations when choosing a technology partner, 现在,可持续性已经成为组织不能忽视的第三大支柱.


有垃圾? The Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation can take your tech castoffs and use them to research better streaming practices, repurposing it into efficient and inexpensive solutions that can run on intermittent power—dovetailing with the efforts of another new organization, 流媒体绿化.


From an article in 流媒体 a year ago has grown a brand-new organization devoted to meeting the sustainability challenge in the streaming industry.


Streaming video is on pace to generate more energy consumption than the aviation industry. 那么我们能做些什么呢?


While many media organizations are starting to use the cloud for editing and post-production workflows—in part because of its merits to sustainability—they can go further by using fully cloud-native solutions, 根据黑鸟委托绿色元素执行的一份新报告.


Twenty percent of credential stuffing attacks directed toward media companies according to "Akamai 2020 State of the Internet/Credential Stuffing in the Media Industry" Report


新的开发者api使提供商能够更好地控制直播和点播流, 该公司还改进了云包装器和安全产品.


Twenty percent of credential stuffing attacks directed toward media companies according to "Akamai 2020 State of the Internet / Credential Stuffing in the Media Industry" Report


The time has long since passed to turn our attention to making the streaming delivery ecosystem more environmentally friendly. Here are some of the key challenges, as well as some suggested first steps towards solutions.