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流媒体欧洲 Keynote #4: Creating Original Online Video Content—Where is the Funding?

尼古拉斯·惠勒, ITN On的常务董事, ITN的在线子公司, spoke today at 流媒体欧洲 about the vagaries of the changes that online has wrought on the creation of original video content.

"There are a diversity of content and business models emerging,惠勒说。. "Besides the traditional bespoke content production, 内容创造者是如何预先获得报酬的, the owner chooses where the content is viewed and the distributor makes money on sales of content."

Wheeler posited that the "career path" of a piece of content created in the old model was fully mapped out at the outset, 包括长尾的映射.

"A newer model of original content creation is emerging where content is created on a more speculative basis and syndicated out,惠勒说。. "This new model means that content creators share a bit more in the risk, similar in some ways to the existing co-production models. Yet the new model means that the content creator may see a bigger share of both the risk and the reward as they share in the growth of the content's revenues."

我们现在拥有的, 惠勒说, 是一个更短的, 数字媒体中更肥的长尾, which also starts right at the very beginning but is completed in a much shorter time frame.

“在这个新模型中, we do have long-tail issues if the technology changes in mid-stream,惠勒说。, "and we always face the fragmentation of media."

Wheeler explained this fragmentation by way of an ITN example: having produced the 新闻 at 10 for the past 55 years, ITN was used to having its content consumed one time.

"Watch it or miss it drove our content for decades,惠勒说。. "Now we put our content on dozen of different sites and it has a much longer life than just the 10 o'clock time slot."

接下来是价值, Wheeler said he sees three areas of value in the online world: timeliness, 排他性和聚合性.

"We must create new value in order to ask consumers to pay for content,惠勒说。. "Timeliness may be one value: while someone can watch news content at home for free, 如果他们想随时随地看的话, 这可能会产生一个价值模型. Since paying for content on the mobile is the norm, we think this model mike make sense for timeliness value growth."

在排他, Wheeler pointed out that Sky's purchase of premiere league football has pushed viewers to Sky. 他补充说, 虽然, that these exclusive content deals are few and far between, which leads to the third value model of aggregation.

"Today we're seeing a world where we might move from 12 million viewers all watching 新闻 at 10 at the same time,惠勒说。, "to 12 online sites of 1 million viewers each. 在这个模型中, we have to work out the confusion and complexity of how advertisers view these separate 12 sites versus the one single location - television - that they have valued in the past."

”这样的, 在同一水平上很难盈利,惠勒接着说, 说到整个行业, "so this has led to "free content" concepts used to drive up the number of viewers. 总的来说, we're not at the level of viewership to generate enough advertising revenue to lead to the creation of free original content for free, 但我们可能很快就能做到."

Wheeler then provided examples of companies aggregating all their products in to a new media model, including Hasbro which has a conglomerate of toys and games that it has leveraged to commission movies around those toys, 例如变形金刚, in a similar way to what Disney's MacBean talked about in an earlier keynote.

“Hulu是另一个例子,惠勒说。, "as they take old content and share it for free, 但是广告收费. Hulu has stated a lack of interest in creating original content, so they are relying on others to take the risk."

To encourage online innovation, Wheeler offered a few tips.

“以自己的权利转移到一个新的平台, 需要服务,惠勒说, referencing Club Penguin as a way to move to engagement as a model for new revenue. Twitter是另一个例子,mint也是如此.com, and Current TV uses integration to allow users to make advertisements. If the advertisement is good enough, they'll publish it on the web and perhaps even to television."


"Radiohead is selling direct to the customer,惠勒说, "defying their label in a way that allows them to directly interact with fans, sometimes giving away the music for free as they sell other content around the music. The biggest recent announcement, 虽然, is that 新闻Corp is beginning to charge for all its content."

"But Rupert Murdoch has also said 'we have one certainty, we can never be sure where the industry will end up'."

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