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新闻 Video Sites Consider Charging for Content

一年前, 巴拉克·奥巴马宣誓就任美国第44任总统,这一历史性的新闻事件充斥着流媒体的“电波”. Seen by approximately 12 million simultaneous viewers, 在接下来的几个小时里,有多达2000万人观看了这段视频的片段, 该事件创造了记录,并为流媒体新闻事件创造了全球影响力.

几周后, 我将写一篇关于大型直播活动的成本与价值的文章, specifically in the entertainment space, 但本周是奥巴马总统直播活动的周年纪念日,这给了我们一个机会来看看直播重大新闻事件的变化.

The aftermath of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Port-au-Prince, 海地, 上周的事件提醒我们,在突发新闻中,流媒体在传达紧迫感方面所能发挥的巨大作用. The Caribbean nation, still struggling to recover from three hurricane strikes in 2008, has seen a death toll from the initial quake that has climbed past 100,000, along with the potential displacement of almost 2 million people.

Communications lines were also displaced, although cell towers—for the most part—remained intact, 允许用拍照手机拍摄的视频上传到用户生成的内容和社交媒体网站. 事实上, Facebook似乎在帮助岛上的家庭与美国的家庭成员重新建立联系方面发挥了重要作用.

根据Hitwise的数据,即使是传统的新闻媒体,在最初的地震后,其网站的流量也有了显著的上升, while social media sites saw an increase of 7.在最初的地震发生后的两天里,新闻媒体网站看到了16%.流量增加了91%,包括DrudgeReport的流量大幅增加.com(几乎占新闻网站流量的四分之一),赫芬顿邮报.com. 和 various ABC新闻 properties.

For the massiveness of the impact on the people of 海地, with two-thirds of the country's population affected, 在流媒体视频上引起最多共鸣的是那些一个人获救的故事, or a heroic act has been performed.

一个例子是CNN的流媒体剪辑,展示了CNN的医疗记者Dr. 桑杰·古普塔在临时医院为地震灾民提供援助. After a group of Belgian doctors chose to leave for the night, concerned for their safety, 古普塔对这种情况的沮丧在镜头前是可以接受的,因为他对医生随身携带医疗用品表示失望. Picked up by other news organizations 和 spread by word of mouth, 这段短视频引起了国际社会的广泛关注,并迫使人们对急救人员和医务人员的安全政策进行评估.

Against this backdrop, 和 today's special election in Massachusetts, 社交媒体和点播视频剪辑在定义两党的信息传递方面发挥了什么作用, there is another news story that is receiving a bit less coverage.

2010, 根据一些说法, 也许这类内容将在今年被置于付费墙之后, 重复几年前对新闻内容收费的尝试.

形形色色的媒体公司都把自己的商业模式建立在广告将继续源源不断地涌入他们的金库的假设之上," wrote Richard Perez-Pena in a late December, 2009, blog post at NY次.com. "But with advertising in a tailspin, they now must shrink, 关闭, 或者找到一些方法将更多的成本负担转移到消费者身上——这些消费者已经如此幸福地习惯了免费的网络内容."

佩纳指出, in a more recent blog post, 传统媒体可以通过依赖外部百家乐软件来削减内容收集成本, 但他也指出,其中一些消息来源是“经过检验和真实的”, 其他未测试, 和 in some instances, 政治化,“这让人们对新闻采编的完整性产生了质疑,即使是对成熟的新闻机构也是如此.

"Rupert Murdoch's 新闻 Corporation charges for access to The Wall Street 杂志," Perez-Pena notes, "和 could do the same on Hulu."

Perez notes that the subscription model works well for Murdoch's 杂志该网站的专栏内容是免费的,但较长的新闻和分析文章要收费. 然而,问题仍然是,一份普通报纸是否可以收取标准新闻费用.

This is especially pertinent, given that 《百家乐软件》 派出摄影记者带着相机和摄像机,正如联合国指出的那样 数字运营高级副总裁马丁·尼森霍兹在流媒体东2007年的主题演讲中说, 视频片段被录制和编辑,以补充书面作品,就像静止图像补充报纸上的印刷文章一样.

《百家乐软件》 它一直在考虑至少三种不同的付费内容商业模式, 其中之一是传统的订阅模式,类似于订阅印刷报纸. This model has been tried several times over the years, ab和oned almost as frequently, 和 yet is appealing in the consistency of the revenue stream.

“报纸, including this one, 是否在考虑是否要求在线读者至少为他们提供的部分内容付费," wrote Perez-Pena, "as a h和ful of papers, 就像 The Wall Street 杂志The Financial 次我已经做了. 事实上, in the next several weeks, 业内高管和分析人士预计,一些出版物将采取行动."

The other two models the 据说正在考虑的是一个计量系统,观众可以在不同的区域阅读内容, 但每个观点都会从他们的计量账户中扣除资金——以及类似于公共广播的会员模式. It appears in recent days that the is shying away from the membership model, as it would require members to receive offline benefits as well, such as attendance at special events or tokens 和 mementos.

One uncertainty in all of this, especially if the chooses to go with a metered system, 视频内容的价格是否会高于印刷内容. 紧随其后的问题是新闻故事是由什么组成的:是视频本身,还是文本文章和补充视频剪辑的组合.

The decision for the 可能很快就会到来. Reuters reports that 纽约 magazine is quoting sources familiar with internal deliberations at 《百家乐软件》 他说,董事长阿瑟·苏兹伯格即将宣布,该报将开始对其网站的访问收费. A company spokesperson, however, refused to elaborate.

“当我们认为我们已经制定了最好的商业方法时,我们将宣布决定," spokesperson Diane McNulty said. "No details till then."

“当然, it is the established media, with their legacy of high operating costs 和 outdated technology, that face this problem," Perez-Pena noted in his blog post, citing the Huffington Post as one example of a "leaner, newer online competitors [which] will continue to be free, avidly picking up the users lost by sites that begin to charge."

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Reuters Launches YouTube Channel
