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英特尔的Moblin 2.1 Linux Operating System to Support AIR, Silverlight

Intel is holding its annual developer's forum in San Francisco this week. 奠定基础, CEO Paul Otellini talked yesterday about the "continuum of personal computing." Otellini spent some time talking about the traditional Intel chip story, 有一次展示了一个工作的22纳米硅, which is about 30% smaller than any of today's chipsets, but he spent the majority of the time talking about how software works closely with hardware.

"Software is what binds the continuum together," said Otellini, "and software is changing. Today it's all about multiple clients and multiple clouds."

为此目的, 以色列国防军进攻的第二天, 蕾妮·詹姆斯, corporate vice president and 总经理 of Intel’s Software and Services Group, addressed several issues of interest to 流媒体 readers.

首先, James mentioned that Intel was launching a Media Software Development Kit for its upcoming Larrabee GPU, the company's first discrete graphics processor unit in almost a decade.

"Visual effects will take fewer lines of code, using the new SDK," James said. "The Larrabee chip will also support standards such as DirectX, OpenGL, and OpenCL. 像胶片颗粒一样的视觉效果, we can reduce 129 lines of code on a traditional GPU to 25 lines of code on Larrabee."

林肯·沃伦, head of research and development at Dreamworks Animation, which was an early user of Intel's Nehalem chips, 提供了一些关于这个主题的清晰度. Noting that compute power requirements double with every generation of the 怪物史莱克 电影系列, Wallen said that additional GPU acceleration will significantly reduce 3D and traditional video render times.

“梦工厂几乎使用了1,000控制 to manage the dragon's performance and behavior,”瓦伦说。, 中的字符 怪物史莱克. "That's a steep compute load but our next version may take 4,000控制, 所以我们不断增加计算能力."

其次, to meet that computing power demand for average users, 英特尔宣布了两项芯片增强功能, 一个用于服务器,一个用于普通用户.

"We’re on track for production in the first quarter [of 2010],柯克·斯考根说, vice president and 总经理 of Intel’s server platforms group, discussing new quad-core server chips based on Nehalem. The initial versions of these chips were found in the HP Z800 workstations ,which has been instrumental in both Dreamworks' advanced computing needs.

For acceleration of transcoding and editing tools from Adobe and others, Intel is also moving these server-grade chips to the laptop. Nehalem-based quad-core Core i7 Extreme and Core i7 for laptops will be manufactured beginning in the fourth quarter of 2009. A comparison of these new chips for laptops can be found 在这里, but the essence is that quad-core laptop chips are just around the corner, 代号为阿兰达尔和克拉克代尔. The latter will integrate a graphics processor alongside the CPU in a two-chip package.

Third, and perhaps most important for 流媒体 readers, Intel unveiled its Moblin 2.1 linux操作系统. 标榜为可扩展的操作系统, Intel says it can run on anything from mobile phones through to full PCs.

考虑到它的扩展能力, one would think that Microsoft would be loathe to provide Siliverlight functionality for Moblin, but the lure of the iPhone-style software development kit that lets developers create for any size screen may be just the draw that Microsoft needs.

事实上,英特尔宣布Moblin 2.1 includes support for both Adobe's AIR and Microsoft's Silverlight, so that Moblin will be capable of displaying Flash and Silverlight content, 这是iPhone做不到的.

“使用Silverlight的跨设备, 跨浏览器, 跨平台技术,伊恩·埃里森·泰勒说, 总经理, 微软客户端平台和工具, "developers will be able to write applications once and have them run on Windows and Moblin devices. This expands the reach of Silverlight applications to more consumers, regardless of whether the device they're using is a PC, TV, 或电话,"

马克·沙特尔沃斯, who helped launch Ubuntu several years ago and was quoted a few months ago as saying that "Moblin is a very determined, 这是英特尔的冒险之举,“今天是魔布林公告的一部分.

Shuttleworth was the presenter for Dell's Moblin 10v presentation, a developer-edition netback that runs Canonical's Moblin Netbook Remix. The 10v will be available for sale on September 24.

"We're a strong supporter of the Intel Atom Developer Program,约翰·索德说, 戴尔小型消费设备副总裁.

Microsoft says that Silverlight for Moblin will be shipping next year, but that interested parties can visit silverlight.现在开始.

一名推特用户在演讲后留言, 罗恩Espiritu, 谁的推特账号是kuyaron, 我觉得这个方法是对的.

"Adobe AIR/Flash and MS Silverlight are on board with Intel Atom Developer Program," said Espiritu. “爪哇发生了什么?"

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The real challenge in creating a breakthrough set-top box is providing access to unbundled premium channels.