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HTML5's Open Source Solution?

昨天 we discussed the impact on the HTML5 video tag debate 微软的IE9预览版必然会产生这样的问题. At its Mix 10 developer's conference, IE9 was shown playing back H.264 video content directly in a browser window.

在微软宣布这一消息之前,其他浏览器制造商也表示,他们将要么使用Ogg Theora,要么使用H.264 as native video codecs within their browsers, 今年1月,YouTube宣布将支持HTML5视频,支持谷歌Chrome浏览器和苹果Safari浏览器(Mac桌面和iPhone移动平台)。.

那些没有绑定到特定操作系统的浏览器呢? 昨天, 我们简要介绍了一个插件模型,在浏览器下载完成后可以下载各种编解码器. 后来我们了解到, 然而, that the open source community is moving ahead with a different strategy.

维基媒体基金会出席了开放视频联盟会议t year showcased an attempt to generate an open source image, audio, and video repository using open source codecs, is working with 创作, Mozilla, 和其他人一起为视频相关的HTML5实现创建行业百家乐软件.

The group has launched a website—www.html5video.org-为HTML5视频相关技术演示提供行业百家乐软件.

“世界需要一个开放的视频标准,允许每个人制作和分享视频, without licensing fees or browser plugins,埃里克Möller说, deputy director of the Wikimedia Foundation. “HTML5 offers such a standard, 我们已经和创作合作,为维基百科开发了一个开源的HTML5视频解决方案. 我们鼓励您查看它,并在您的web应用程序中支持开放标准.”

While not specifically addressing the potential need for plug-ins for H.264 playback on the Firefox and Opera browsers, 创作的方法是充分利用HTML5的优势,允许遗留的或不兼容的浏览器访问已经在HTML5视频标签中编写的视频内容

. "创作’s HTML5 video solution, which is already in beta testing on Wikipedia, 允许出版商使用HTML5视频,而不必担心特定的浏览器, format and codec support,罗恩·叶库蒂尔说, 创作's chairman and CEO. “我们独特的后备机制确保所有观众都可以看到并与视频互动,而不管他们的浏览器和视频格式如何."

创作's Fallback Model
创作's toolkit includes a skinnable video player, as well as an audio player, a media uploader tool, and an online video editor.

“我们的图书馆使用的后备模型更多的是一个抽象层。. Shay David, one of 创作's co-founders. "None of the other 'fallback' methods let you address the Document Object Model (DOM) element with as complete of a HTML5 API set; they instead put a Flash or object tag into the DOM that can't be accessed in the same way that an HTML5 video object could be accessed."

I asked David if the gstreamer setup, 昨天提到的, was a similar type of abstraction layer, given its ability to hold multiple codecs.

"With a gstreamer back-end to HTML5 you could use it multiple codecs,他说, “但我们不会制作任何像gstreamer这样的插件,也不会处理那种级别的播放. 相反,我们关注的是已经存在于手机和桌面用户浏览器中的播放系统."

David接着指出,播放系统的类型是html5原生H.264 or Ogg, Flash and Java.

“如果一个火狐浏览器的访问者来到一个使用带有H的视频标签的网站.264年源, the library will display the video to the user using Flash, if the Flash Player is installed on that machine,他说. "Likewise if using both Ogg and H.[正如昨天提到的Henrik Sjokvist的HTML5教程所指出的], then an IE8 user gets H.264 via flash while the Firefox user gets the HTML5-native Ogg playback."

The Open Video Alliance, backed by 创作 and Wikimedia, 等, 在过去的一年里,谁一直在推动HTML5视频和音频标签的发展. 该联盟发表声明称,这些定义的标准将允许全屏和嵌入式视频播放的增长,而不需要特定的插件要求.

标准中没有指定编解码器技术,但流行的选项包括H.264 and OGG Theora," the Alliance stated. "HTML 5 is supported by many leading browsers, including Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome, Opera 10, and soon Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. 开放视频和HTML 5的广泛采用可以克服一些阻碍视频在流畅性方面匹配文本和图像的障碍."

通过流动性, the statement seems to indicate compatibility or interoperability, two of the main tenants of the HTML language from its outset.

The Wikimedia Foundation, 是谁的Michael Dale领导了这些抽象层的解决方案, ironically is only planning to use one codec on its website.

"We're only using the Ogg codec on Wikimedia Commons,杰伊·沃尔什说, head of communications for WikimediaFoundation.org”,默认情况下是维基百科(所有二进制文件的宿主站点是公地)。. 这也是我们未来的计划——继续支持Ogg作为我们的默认设置, 开放的编解码器,并鼓励开发和扩展支持开放视频的HTML5标准. 然而,我们很有可能只看到Ogg在任何维基媒体实体上的所有实现."


“‘抽象层’让开发者社区在简单的视频播放之外构建额外的功能,戴尔说。, lead developer on the Wikimedia/创作 video implementation. “例如 displaying timed text 无需担心浏览器播放媒体文件的所有不同方式,这是无缝视频播放体验的另一个例子.

David expanded on that idea.

"All those underling playback choices are abstracted,他说. "Other JavaScripts interacting with the player, such as displaying subtitles or a customized player interface, 是否可以与页面中的视频以相同的方式进行交互,而不管下面的播放方法如何. 该库弥补了这一差距,并允许以HTML5所希望的方式始终如一地访问对象, regardless of the underlining player."

"This is different from other fallback player systems,他接着说, ,它只关注于显示视频,而不解决跨底层播放类型的统一JavaScript API访问. 我们的库正在努力使浏览器和最终用户的回退尽可能无缝."

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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