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Broadcasters And FCC Debate Extra Spectrum

在过去的一个月里,我重读了一些2009年的新闻文章,都是在StreamingMedia上.Com等科技网站,为《百家乐app下载》准备年度回顾文章 2010 流媒体 Industry 原始资料.

具体地说, I've been looking back at both mobile and media and entertainment 文章, 比较2009年Futurewatch专栏的预测——我们的作者在其中预测了2009年1月至12月的行业增长前景——和今天的2009年20/20预测.

For the 2010 edition, which will be published in February, I've found a few trends worth writing about, including one called the third wave that I want to share as bit of a teaser here.

I've written briefly about the third wave at StreamingMedia.com and also on my 工作流.com的博客. 2009年,从广播公司、移动通信组织到电信公司和无线供应商,大批企业开始对各种频谱进行争夺. The battles are both concerted and concentrated, 2009-2010年的演习结果将对流媒体的前景产生长达数十年的影响.


当美国在2009年中期完成向数字电视的过渡时, 经过几年的规划和几个月的延迟,无线高清电视的概念出现了, 在最好的情况下, a money-losing proposition in most parts of the country.

毕竟, 普遍的共识似乎是,城市地区的大多数电视观众已经有了有线电视, while those in rural areas would not be upgrading to HDTV digital sets.

除了, a number of OTA broadcasters, 三大广播网络和公共广播电台的附属公司, 使用他们的OTA频谱来显示多个标准清晰度信道:至少三个标清信道可以在19.2Mbps bandwidth of a single HD OTA broadcast frequency, 提供额外广告收入或替代节目的潜力.

This last point has attracted the attention of wireless mobile phone providers, 谁在争先恐后地应对消费者不断增长的数据需求,这些消费者正在狼吞虎咽地享受无限带宽计划. The wireless service providers, and their telco sister organizations, contend that OTA broadcasts should all revert back to SD-only transmissions, freeing up at least 2/3 of the current broadcast spectrum.

Not so fast say the broadcasters, backed by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), who say the spectrum is not for sale.

“我的成员坚信,无线电视的商业价值主张远远超过一次性快照的价值," said David Donovan, MSTV的总裁, a trade group comprised of OTA broadcasters.

在高级电视系统委员会(ATSC)宣布其成员已批准移动数字电视(DTV)标准后不久, 即A/153, which we covered in a 最近的文章, 频谱之争在美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)面前升级为一场全面辩论.

The debate has drawn at least one MSO—Comcast—into the mix. 12月3日, 2009, 康卡斯特和通用电气宣布了一项最终协议(有待监管部门批准), 当然)将NBC环球51%的控股权从通用电气转让给康卡斯特, the country's largest cable provider.

聚合NBC, the broadcast network, along with local TV stations and cable channels, Comcast finds itself in a balancing act, 在一些NAB成员和OTA广播公司主张消费者放弃有线电视的时候,他承诺支持广播电视及其附属公司.

Comcast says it will support broadcast TV, and also hopes to see its cable programming assets benefit as a result.

"We intend to preserve and enrich the output of local news, 全国广播公司(NBC)附属电台的地方公共事务和其他公益节目," the company stated in a letter to federal regulators. Comcast also laid out a plan, 借此,他们将努力提高NBC的收视率,同时保留其附属电视台.

所以现在有线电视和广播巨头之间建立了一个有线电视和在线旅行社联盟, 广播公司可能会发现,在与电信公司及其姊妹无线服务提供商组织的战斗中,它们又占据了几个关键的侧翼位置.

It appears a see a three-fold benefit awaits OTA broadcasters, if they can hold on to their spectrum allocations.

第一个, 电视台将开发向移动设备发送电视内容的边带, alleviating the need for excessive bandwidth for streaming content, 至少对于使用A/153或其他新兴多播标准的多播内容而言. The downside to the wireless phone operators, 虽然, 边带芯片放置在移动电话将完全绕过传统的移动数据网络吗, cutting the wireless provider out of the overall transaction.

第二个, beyond just iPhone or other smartphone applications, 在线旅行社广播公司可以扩展他们的本地新闻品牌,作为一种将他们的手机业务货币化的方式, creating "must carry" legislation or non-legislated, lucrative deals in return for consideration of temporary spectrum allocations. These temporary allocations, which may last for 3-5 years, 会允许无线行业将自己的数据网络提升到4G数据容量吗, at which time the temporary data bottleneck will be overcome.

第三, 鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)最近在美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)会议上的证词引起了媒体和娱乐界的关注, 当时默多克宣布,他的报纸和电视帝国的未来将取决于利用最近释放的一部分广播频谱向他的观众提供电视和增强的新闻.

最后, 出售部分频谱以换取现金以扩大无线宽带的想法对广播公司没有什么吸引力, 但他们缺乏兴趣并不意味着频谱之争不会持续到2010年.

Within the last day, NAB已经将联邦通信委员会的一位重要顾问定为广播电视的批评者, 他说,他的聘用“可能是一个迹象,表明该机构真的在试图过度监管广播电视,使其破产的错误道路上。." The NAB SmartBrief quoted a TV新闻Check analyst, 哈利Jessell, in its fight against the spectrum sale.

杰塞尔写道:“广播仍然是唯一一种能够触及每家每户电视机的媒体。. "That fact not only makes it vital in times of emergencies, 但这也给电视台带来了市场优势,它们需要继续把记者派到现场,继续播报新闻."

在我们进入2010年之际,请密切关注这场战斗,并在 流媒体 Industry 原始资料 他将Sling Media作为另一家陷入卫星和有线电视服务提供商冲突的科技公司的例子.

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