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视频:Bitmovin提供自适应流媒体基础设施, 企业和集成商的HTML5云编码

[本次赞助采访录制于2016年流媒体西部大会。. 了解更多关于Bitmovin的信息.]

蒂姆Siglin: 我是蒂姆·西格林,特约编辑 流媒体 杂志和流媒体.今天和我一起主持节目的是来自 Bitmovin. Stefan, in the last two years you have really attracted a lot of attention. 两年前, 如果我和大公司谈, 无论是企业还是竞争对手, 并说, “你觉得Bitmovin怎么样??他们会说:“谁是Bitmovin ??“现在他们知道你是谁了. 你认为这是为什么? Why do you think that Bitmovin has gained a lot of traction in the last 2 years?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 这是个好问题. I think it's a combination of being at the forefront with new technologies like HTML5-based playback, DRM保护, HTML5, enabling different streaming formats to play without a lot of configuration and ecosystem. 这绝对是其中之一.

Another good thing we do is we try to be as open as possible so people can go to the website and try out the product on their own. We have a lot of documentation online, we have tutorials online, we have source code examples online.

蒂姆Siglin: People can get access to that before they buy the product or license the product?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 是的. 在他们和我们说话之前. A lot of people prefer to give it a look and look well into the product behind the curtain, 然后他们说:“好吧, 这对我来说很有趣, 让我们谈谈细节." There we can provide the necessary support and guidance to really help the customers to get the problem solved.

蒂姆Siglin: 这是一种自助服务模式. How much of your business is the small mom-and-pop shops who want a standard HTML5 player, 与企业组织相比?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 我们完全专注于企业, they appreciate that we have to deep expertise combined with the support level we can provide. 大约95%以上的资金来自企业. 在媒体领域和平台业务方面, integrators in the US and Latin America countries and Europe and Middle East are now upcoming for us. 我们在这里也分布得很好.

蒂姆Siglin: 对于那些积分器, do they have different support tiers than what your typical enterprise customer would get?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 我们的办公地点提供全球24/7全天候支持. 结果很好. That's exactly what the enterprise businesses need from an infrastructure layer provider. 你可以看到我们的播放器基础设施和云编码, and the integrators typically go for the first-level support and we provide a technical deep-dive tier, 还有内容提供商. 我们正在扩大他们收入流的一个关键部分. What we provide is also the necessary support layer for them and make sure everything is running. 就像有线到广播一样,在线频道必须全天候工作. We are a small company, but we can achieve the support level that's necessary for them.

蒂姆Siglin: 考虑到你涵盖了玩家和DRM, do you expect Bitmovin itself will partner with other companies to build a holistic ecosystem, or will you move upmarket and begin to move further up the supply chain and offer platform base?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 我们将始终停留在基础设施层面, 这意味着我们的播放器和编码都在基础设施中, 我们有一个接口. 我们现在正在发布一些与此相关的产品, 所以编辑功能的播放器的错误监测, QS等等. 在这里,我们分拆出不同的产品,同样是不同的产品线.

For us it's always important not to be an integrated platform so that you have to buy everything from us; that's not our intention. We make it to be as easy as possible if customers want to go with our player, 那就好了, 如果客户想用我们的编码,也没问题. On top of that we partner with providers for DRM, for CDN, storage, analytics, a lot a lot of things. That's necessary because when customers come to us, they have a problem and we need to solve that. 我们可以从我们的产品中解决一些问题, 但我们需要引进这些领域的专业合作伙伴. 这是很棒的工作, 我们有一群非常棒的合作伙伴, 特别是在DRM领域, 和他们一起工作真的很有趣吗.

蒂姆Siglin: You've talked about some of the things like DRM and discrete products that you have that you're putting out. 从现在到五月的下一个流媒体, the next six to seven months--what are the trends that you see Bitmovin focusing on specifically during that time?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: DRM是目前的主要话题之一, 和HTML5, enabling easier workflows here and also enabling the transition from Flash through HTML5.

蒂姆Siglin: 啊,很好.

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: Yeah, but at the same time, we see also a lot of VR content coming up now. 摄像机在那里, 劳动力在那里, 设备就在那里, 内容提供商也想做VR内容, 有些东西我们看不见. 这也是购买决策的一部分. 360-degree is something that's here to stay and we see it in the news field and the sports fields and a lot of other use cases. We now get into a lot of interesting customer opportunities and new brand names if we use 360 as an entry point.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. Again, this has been Stefan Lederer with Bitmovin here on Almost Live, at 流媒体 West 2016.


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