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Lightcast的和reas Kisslinger谈创新的奥特盈利策略

Learn more about 奥特 monetization at Streaming Media West 2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到波士顿威斯汀科普利的流媒体东部2022. Today I've got with me 和reas Kisslinger with Lightcast. So tell us a little bit about Lightcast, first of all.

和reas Kisslinger: Lightcast是一个端到端奥特提供商,允许发布者上传和转码, store and deliver all their content--on-demand audio, video, 生活事件, linear streams--to all devices and screens.

蒂姆Siglin: So you did a session in the Innovation Track just a minute ago. What was the topic?

和reas Kisslinger: 它是关于 Innovative 奥特 ROIs. We see that many new publishers of all verticals, 行业, all types of organizations from nonprofit, 教育, 政府, 但独立的内容创作者有时也很难找到一个好的商业计划,围绕他们的奥特业务和媒体分销. So we specialize in offering advice, 但也有一个工具箱,里面有各种超越常规的收入机会. So beyond the standard 广告 and 订阅.

蒂姆Siglin: 这可能是及时的,因为传统的在线广告在这一点上做得并不像人们期望的那样好.

和reas Kisslinger: It can be a challenge and nowadays you need five, 甚至——正如昨天在展会上有人告诉我的——有时多达20个不同的广告网络,并要求合作伙伴, to achieve a decent fill rate of 80%. That makes it very complex. 和 of course we can handle all that. So in the Lightcast Media Cloud, 你可以使用20个不同的需求伙伴,并将它们合并成一个跨所有设备的feed. 但仍, it makes it quite complex, 因为你必须确保你从这20个不同的需求伙伴那里得到报酬.

蒂姆Siglin: 仅仅因为在你的内容上投放了广告并不一定意味着你会得到报酬. So yesterday we did the research keynote around the State of Streaming, 我们问了一个问题,特别是那些对FAST频道感兴趣的人,他们对奥特频道或FAST频道的收入有多满意. It turns out 54% were either neutral or not satisfied. 所以当你谈论投资回报率的时候是帮助人们设定期望的一部分, "Oh, my content's gonna make me a million dollars a month." 和 then maybe they do have some semi-premium content. How do you help them set expectations?

和reas Kisslinger: That's a really a great point. 实际上,我们试图在早期帮助新创业公司和新客户做出最适合他们业务的最佳收入模式的最佳决策, and also their viewership size. 我们区分每月超过100万次观看的大型观众, and small audiences between below 1 million viewers a month. 如果观众人数较少,我们建议他们考虑其他投资回报率, 比如服务和产品的销售,而出版商正在建立他们的受众,以达到广告真正可行的水平.

蒂姆Siglin: It's interesting you say this, 因为我们现在已经做了5个这样的调查,你遇到的米歇尔帮助做了分析. 和 we were talking the other day as we looked, we've always had questions around AVOD, TVOD, 广告-driven, but we've had a category we've left in there called "free." 和 when we initially did this, 杂志的编辑和我争论“免费”是否真的是一种盈利模式. 和 I said, "Look at loss leaders." 和 ultimately what you're talking about is, you may need to build the audience with some of it free. 然后在某一点上,当你达到临界质量时,就会转移.

和reas Kisslinger: 完全. 和, 订阅, 例如, 如果发行商所制作的内容是针对那些愿意为其支付信用卡的特定群体,那么它是否也适用于较小的用户群体. But we also have something called Flex subscription, where we allow the viewer to set the subscription price. 这对初创公司和媒体公司来说是件好事,因为他们正在扩大自己的受众,否则这些受众将完全免费提供内容. 他们说,“如果有人把它设为0,我们就允许他们看. At least we collected user data that we can now follow up with," and to everyone's surprise, 由于观众设定了5美元的价格,价格往往超出了他们的预期, $10, $20, much higher than they expected.

蒂姆Siglin: 这也允许你把你的商业模式放在一起说, “好吧, I know the average subscriber may pay 5 bucks a month."

和reas Kisslinger: 完全. 和赞助商. So, 许多初创公司和媒体公司并没有意识到,在他们的关系网中已经有多少潜在的广告商愿意在他们的点播和直播内容中添加固定费率的播放前或播放后广告, and pay a monthly or annual flat rate. 它们可以像lightcast媒体云中的其他广告一样提供服务. 所以我们的发行商可以上传和管理他们所有直接赞助商的广告, 然后为他们提供他们所有的内容,直接获得报酬,没有任何中间人从中抽成.

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