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EZDRM's Olga Kornienko Talks Content Protection and Multi-DRM

Olga Kornienko, COO & Co-Founder, EZDRM, sits down with Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream Research Foundation, and Contributor Editor, Streaming Media 来聊聊DRM技术的现状,以及她的公司为该领域做出的独特贡献.

Tim通过强调EZDRM是其中之一开始了对话 2022 Readers Choice Awards winners. (In the DRM/Content Protection category). “这一点之所以如此重要,是因为它表明,使用数字版权管理(Digital Rights Management,简称DRM)的业内人士选择EZDRM作为行业中的顶级DRM提供商. Olga, this is one of many awards for you, right?” he asks.

“No, this is actually the first one,” Kornienko says.

“Well, congratulations!” Siglin says. “You know, DRM, it’s not very sexy. It's kind of like metadata. I mean, everybody has to have it, 但是没有人真正达到他们知道所有关于它的知识, which is why they come to providers like you. 你为那些想要保护自己内容的公司提供了什么?”

“Well, 我们首先提供的是知识和对技术的理解,” Kornienko says. “The technology itself has been covered in a shroud of mystery. 我们试图了解我们的客户,因为我们相信,如果你了解技术, you are a lot more comfortable using it. And we've set up our system to be an API forward infrastructure, where it's only two APIs, 我们允许我们的客户在编码端使用我们的密钥API进行设置, and the rights API on the playback side. 我们也给客户一个免费测试我们系统的机会, 因为我们相信我们有一款非常优秀的产品. 如果一个潜在客户想要体验这个系统,那就测试一下, hack it…crash it, whatever you want to do to it, we're very open to having you play with it and be very, very comfortable with it before you actually commit to something.”

“We are also cloud-based,” she continues. “We are in multiple clouds. 这使得我们的客户实际上拥有更高的服务水平协议(SLA),而不仅仅是四个9的正常运行时间保证. Because if you're in one cloud, AWS or Google or Rackspace如果他们保证有4个9,我们就不能给你更多了. But once you expand to multiple clouds, 你可以去5个9,那是一个更舒适的地方.”

“Do you provide solutions to live and on-demand?” Siglin asks.

“To us, a piece of content is a piece of content,” Kornienko says. “They have their own values…depending on which world you're coming from. We have been battling a lot of, I don't want to call it -- misinformation, 但业内有很多误解,认为直播活动只有在直播时才有价值. But with that said, if the content is hacked or it's pirated, 或者如果有人开始播放盗版内容和真正的广播公司, the one that negotiated the rights, 那个设置了所有疯狂的基础设施和所有冗余的人——以及世界上为这个广播设置的所有其他东西——失去了客户端和观众的眼球, then you can't get it back. 根据音乐会或体育赛事,你有两个小时或三个小时的窗口期, to get those eyes back. And it is much harder to do that in such a short amount of time.”

“So that's actually an interesting point,” Siglin says. “Even if it's an on-demand piece of content later, 制作成本意味着你需要保留由此产生的收益. Now, 我记得上次我们在韦斯特的时候你有一张你狗的贴纸, 在我们上节目之前,你提到人们实际上记得这一点, but you also at IBC 我们在分发衬衫,上面有一个鲁布·戈德堡式的装置. 我猜想DRM并不像衬衫前面的整个路径那么复杂!”

Kornienko emphatically says no. “基本上,我们要做的就是简化整个流程,”她说. “就像整个过程一样美妙和有趣……我认为这是我们衬衫上的10步鲁比·戈德堡……我们的想法是按下播放键,让一切都无缝地发生……非常。, very, very low latency, just to be completely invisible to the user. 只要我采取的方法是如果客户和终端用户不知道我们的存在, that's probably the best place to be.”

Learn more about DRM at Streaming Media East 2023.

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