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苹果iPod系列中播放QVGA H的30gb和60GB iPod Video的销量.264 video, were surprisingly brisk over the holiday season. 预计苹果将在去年假日季惊人的iPod销量基础上增长30%. 去年的型号,当然,播放音频和显示静态图像,但缺乏视频功能.

As has happened in the past, 对ipod的需求激增与ipod相关配件的需求激增是同步的, content, and software. 在苹果推出iPod Video产品的几周内,有消息称ABC将以1美元的价格出售其热门电视节目的iPod Video兼容版本.99 via Apple’s iTunes library program, 至少有十几家公司在互联网上发布付费或免费内容.264格式支持的QuickTime 7为iPod视频播放. In addition, iTunes reportedly had a huge Christmas surge; several analysts expect Apple will release numbers showing that traffic on the iTunes site increased by 50% between December 24 and December 25 of last year.

Not content to take a "wait and see" attitude, 生产数字媒体转码软件的公司也开始兜售与iPod视频兼容的压缩输出. 快速推出产品更新的决定背后似乎有两个理由. First, 苹果公司在发布最新版本的QuickTime Pro软件时,留下了一个机会之窗, 可以在其他QuickTime格式和H.264, 不包含将Real或WindowsMedia文件转换为iPod视频兼容文件的功能. Second, software product manufacturers learned a valuable lesson when the original iTunes shipped; their move to put new product revisions on the street has as much to do with retrenching market share before Apple decides to include iPod Video compression free in iTunes as it does with knowing the market for these iPod-compatible compression tools creates an opportunity to exploit first-to-market exposure of the "can I do that with my home videos?这个问题在iPod Video发布几分钟后就出现了.

另一个准备利用人们对视频日益增长的兴趣的群体是H.264 chipset manufacturers. One in particular, Mobilygen, 是否已经利用了圣诞节后涌入的iPod Video设备. Mobilygen, 一家私人持有的无晶圆厂半导体公司,得到了一位知名风险投资人士的支持, issued a modified press release for a low-power H.264 encoding chipset it released back in September. The new press release, dated December 29, 2005, 注意到,已经低功耗的mg1264已经收到了好评,其编码d1兼容的H的能力.264标准清晰度内容的实时编码,只有185毫瓦(mW) -可以编码H.264 QVGA(“四分之一屏幕”或iPod视频使用的尺寸)只有125mW. 这种低功耗编码对于iPod等电池供电的设备至关重要.

“消费者希望他们的视频内容能够简单方便地个性化," says Steve Musallam, vice president of product marketing at Mobilygen. "Our MG1264 provides superior hardware-based H.264/AAC编码质量和一个廉价的解决方案,以建立低功耗设备,实时捕获30fps电视质量的视频,为新的移动产品,如视频iPod."

The move toward low-powered encoding solutions portends an uptick in mobile encoding and playback across the board; indeed, the convergence of low-powered H.264 encoding, more powerful mobile processors, 更高带宽的设备,如Verizon的EVDO宽带数据网络的Treo 700w,可能意味着iPod Video的发布只是流媒体行业需要的特洛伊木马,它可以复活2000-2001年尝试的几种移动商业模式,但由于设备渗透率有限和缺乏精通网络的编解码器而失败.

The biggest unanswered question, of course, is whether the average consumer, 谁更喜欢她的iPod音频和视频下载, not streamed, 她会对流媒体内容的想法感兴趣吗?这种流媒体内容真的可以在任何有手机或无线数据服务的地方访问吗. 这个问题的答案可能就在本周末拉斯维加斯举行的2006年消费电子展上, 两天后,在旧金山举行的2006年Macworld大会上,他又宣布了“史蒂夫的下一个伟大发明”. 除了令人印象深刻的桌面和客厅的公告,肯定会出现在两个节目中, 仔细听一下这些预示,这些预示可能会让流媒体在2006年变成一个真正的产业,就像七年前所希望的那样. 也许2006年的新年夜我们会像1999年一样开派对.

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