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U直到过去2年,P才问世 在基于云的解决方案中,企业视频是 经常被行业所忽视 改变全球观众消费娱乐视频的方式. 在某些方面,这种疏忽是 可以理解的, 因为大多数公司视频用于内部通信, 法规遵从性, 或者培训目的, 而且其中大部分从未超出公司的范围 防火墙.

但即使在COVID-19危机之前(在这篇文章为2020年写完之后开始) 流媒体行业资料手册),这些领域的企业视频使用情况是 日益增长的, and with that comes the need to upgrade prior internal video solutions that have either been homegrown and can't handle newer formats or delivery to 特定的设备或商业解决方案 已经被媒体平台厂商淘汰了吗 支持销售使用云存储和云计算的视频平台服务.

整体企业视频市场, 其中包含流媒体和视频会议, 2018年估计为140亿美元, 但预计复合年增长率为6%.未来6年增长8%, with an anticipated overall enterprise video market valuation of just more than $24 billion by 2026, 根据报告和数据的研究.

除了, 面向外部的企业视频(我们称之为视频营销), 数字还在继续 上升. HubSpot,许多企业营销使用的工具 公司及其广告或公共关系 
分享了Wyzowl在2019年底进行的一项调查中的一些有趣统计数据. 虽然整体增长略有下降, HubSpot reports that "92% of marketers who use video say that it's an important part of their marketing strategy—the highest percentage of any year since 2015. 88%的视频营销人员表示,视频给他们带来了积极的投资回报率."

不仅仅是那些目前将视频作为营销策略一部分的公司. 根据调查, while 95% of existing video marketers will continue to maintain or increase their spending on video marketing, 近60%的受访者不这么认为 目前在他们的企业营销战略计划中使用视频,今年开始这样做.

绝大多数面向外部的营销都是由YouTube和Facebook推动的, but for internal enterprise video communications in the categories noted at the beginning of the article, 事实恰恰相反. But that's not to say that all internal enterprise video communications run on internal servers, 就像云服务的健壮性一样 终于引起了极大的注意.

获得企业视频的不同视角 general and cloud-based enterprise video platforms (EVPs) in more detail, I asked Chris Hogan, chief 税务主任 System73格雷格·埃利斯,首席运营官 DaCast,分享对企业流媒体的几个领域的见解. 

霍根提到了几点值得考虑, 但首先要指出,他的建议来自一个特定的角度, with an emphasis on peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies and the use of CDNs: "We offer 这两个 PolyNet, 我们的专利树为基础的P2P网络直播视频分发, 也是个狱卒 multi-CDN用于在公共互联网上分发直播和视频点播内容."


While there's across-the-board interest in enterprise video as a step beyond using external solutions like YouTube for internal communications, 在确定企业视频的正确方法方面,也存在一些移动目标. 通常情况下,这只是基于CEO的愿景.

"We currently see CEOs putting high pressure on their organizations to expand their video-based, 组织范围内的沟通计划,霍根说。, adding that enterprise departments or individuals tasked with expanding video-based communications "don't get unlimited chances to get it right.

"They have to make live streaming work well with tolerable risk levels in the context of their enterprise 网络s and specific security policies,霍根说。. “因此,企业实现者的愿望是‘它必须按照我们的方式工作.'"


When asked about the barriers to using cloud-based EVPs (这两个 for live and on-demand repositories), 这两个 霍根和埃利斯指出,不同程度的 存在的障碍. “在去年, 我们已经看到整个企业部门对基于云的解决方案的接受程度越来越高,霍根说。. “在某些情况下,这是由较低的成本驱动的,在其他情况下,这是因为服务 specifically built for cloud delivery and offer the highest value and reliability when deployed that way." He 他补充说,“整体的云计算运动有所帮助 企业在评估和集成基于云的解决方案方面变得更加自如."

“在这一点上,我们看不到什么障碍,埃利斯说。, "and the APIs that most of us make available to customers mean that it is simpler to integrate cloud video into operations than try to use a custom hosted system.

“对于点播内容来说,如今几乎不存在障碍,”埃利斯说. “低平均收视率/月/视频内容, 常用于企业内部沟通或产品培训, 面临着来自三大云主机(亚马逊网络服务, Azure, 谷歌云平台),我们几乎所有人都用它来存储. Properly encoding videos for ABR [adaptive bitrate] delivery after ingest is probably the main operational issue that self-hosted solutions can avoid."

然而,, 埃利斯还指出了基于视频的操作的一些更普通的方面, 例如网络遍历和播放器兼容性, are challenges faced regardless of whether the enterprise uses a cloud-based EVP or an internal solution. ”另一组 of 企业拥有自己的流媒体服务器和网络连接时的问题,他说, "is primarily operational: properly setting the encoding parameters for the CDN being used; embedding players without running into security setting conflicts or problems with the responsive player locations; [and] making sure users can send or receive the live streams 通过他们的 防火墙."


埃利斯和霍根都指出,安全是一个问题, 但公司通常会在安全与总体成本之间进行权衡. “(安全)正成为一个更大的担忧,埃利斯说。, "but most cloud providers have some level of security that—combined with the 更低的成本s and CapEx—mean it isn't too critical. Requirements like HIPAA and a few others have restricted cloud usage when a public CDN is involved, as most are not compliant for 这两个 business reasons and technical reasons arising from the public infrastructure used."

Hogan put it quite succinctly: "In the past, security has been a major concern, but the lure of 较低的资本支出有时会抵消许多企业客户的这种担忧."


这就把我们引到价格问题上来了. I asked for feedback on the "race to the bottom" that we've seen play out in the CDN 空间 and a potential corollary in the EVP 空间. “就像任何技术一样, 随着解决方案的改进和供应商的竞争, 客户的成本降低了,霍根说。. "That's a healthy dynamic that enables programs to go to the next level—such as going from a single CEO address per quarter to a culture of video-based communication."

埃利斯说得更直接一些. “考虑到许多执行副总裁在这个阶段还没有赚钱, 我们认为整合即将到来,他说. “我们所知道的是,总的来说, the surviving OVPs [online video platforms] are trying to raise the low-end pricing currently so that minimum ARPU [average revenue per user] ends up in the $3,000 to $5,000范围.

“市场最终将出现大致相同的分化 这是你在CDN领域所看到的。. “几乎所有的执行副总裁都在加强对关键市场的关注, 我们认为,只有少数几家公司会坚持“为所有用户提供所有产品”的模式."

Hogan added that the greatest price competition he sees is in what he calls the "DIY streaming technology 空间.他说:“我们的客户是企业活动在线。 在横截面上看到大量的价值 视频流媒体和活动制作. Jim Fiore和他的团队已经成为全生命周期的专家 从事件构思到技术规划到流媒体和事件成功报告的支持. 他们支持了无数的企业, 很多都是财富500强, 谁从小型流媒体计划开始,并成功地发展了他们的计划."

埃利斯说过 flexibility and the lack of granular customization can often be a perceived barrier: "Enterprise users have been used to customized solutions at a high cost and still want that customization, 只需要一点点 更低的成本. 不幸的是,最大的成本节约是 通常是以牺牲这些为代价的 灵活性,运营人员能理解,但高层管理 经常不."


最后,当被问及可扩展性时,霍根是 能够对问题提供一个独特的视角 公司是否会实现多播或使用更新的P2P技术. I was specifically interested in how the choice of multicast for some enterprises affects the business model of a P2P company, 因为P2P环境中的可伸缩性假设大多数客户都在使用单播.

“使用多播的企业不会使用我们的P2P解决方案,”Hogan说. “我们一直在努力打造自己的云 考虑企业敏感性的技术. 举个例子, our P2P 网络 doesn't send video content outside of the enterprise 网络 when utilizing a cloud 部署. 它只是使用云来管理网络拓扑, so the only thing leaving the 网络 are the small encrypted messages for facilitating the service. 我们的大多数企业客户已经习惯了这种方法."

That comfort level is key to addressing the unique benefits that an enterprise can leverage by moving 从单播环境转向多播或 
跨企业内部的对等辅助交付 网络. 让我们希望更多的组织考虑 这是一种降低整体内部运营成本数据的策略 transport costs while they're also considering cloud-based EVPs as a way to lower initial CapEx outlays.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


企业视频正在发生转变,从公路战士到远程公司. 委婉地说,这是一种不断变化的状态. 但与此同时,商业状况也是如此. 考虑到这两个事实, the question I'll attempt to answer in this year's State of Enterprise Video is whether these coexistent movements will occur in lockstep or as polar opposites.


库流, 记录, 和管理现在作为所有Zoom企业许可计划的一部分免费提供


我们知道,2019冠状病毒病疫情导致企业视频需求空前增长, and the new Q1 Global Video Index from Brightcove finally reveals just how big of a rise we've seen.


在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,Zoom会议变得无处不在, 但人们也担心该工具的安全性. 你应该担心吗?? 我们的专家说,如果你使用Zoom提供的工具使会议更安全,就不会.


谷歌营销的Stephen Condon说, bbc现场的丹·豪斯报道, Pixel Corps的Alex Lindsay说道, and LinkedIn's Dan Swiney debate the current P2P enterprise streaming landscape in this clip from 在线直播 Summit at 流媒体 West 2019.


分析、规模、质量和人工智能是企业视频的主要趋势. 直播在许多新领域都很流行.