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The State of Enterprise Video 2018

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In a recent monthly live webcast on SMAdvancedForum,霜 & 沙利文首席分析师(前流媒体副总裁)丹•雷伯恩在谈到以媒体为中心的在线视频平台时,巧妙地解决了一个显而易见的问题:“你不能只是添加一些功能,然后重新包装,然后称之为企业或教育.”

Rayburn was referring to a point we made fairly strongly in 去年的 流媒体 Industry 原始资料: 企业视频平台(evp)不仅仅是媒体和娱乐视频平台的“精简版”. 让我们更深入地研究一下历史学习曲线,它将我们带到了ovp专注于特定垂直领域的地步.

“What the vendors learned very quickly, because a lot of them made that mistake over the past 10 years, is that they think they can transition from one vertical to the other,雷伯恩说, 注意到OVP供应商通常认为他们可以将广播解决方案利用到企业解决方案中. 他们通常会说,‘我们有一项服务、一种产品、一个平台可以卖给广播公司. Now we’re [going to] sell to enterprise or education,’” he added.

别着急, 说Rayburn, and from experience with EVP solutions, I agree that there are a number of key challenges to be faced, 其中最重要的问题是媒体视频平台中不需要的功能.

“一旦你进入企业,”雷伯恩假定,“你必须做什么? Well, first and foremost you’re not inserting ads. 这是件大事. You’re not monetizing video. 你必须与SharePoint以及所有这些定制管理系统和互联网门户相结合. That’s a whole different business right there.”

Let’s explore that thought a bit.


SharePoint relied on another Microsoft product, Silverlight, up through the 2013 version of the SharePoint server. With the deprecation of Silverlight, 对于想要使用各种格式的流媒体视频的企业解决方案来说,没有真正的退路. Support for Silverlight in Chrome on all other operating systems was disabled by default in April 2015 and was removed completely in September 2015; support for the newest version—Silverlight 5—will end in October 2021.


随着SharePoint Server 2016的问世,微软将全力支持HTML5玩家. 这很好, because HTML5 is now the default way to play video in the Chrome browser, 用户必须在每个站点的基础上表明他们希望使用插入式播放器,如Adobe Flash Player或Silverlight.

微软对SharePoint集成的承诺也延伸到了混合解决方案的使用, 利用微软Azure云平台和SharePoint服务器实例(无论是在本地还是在单独的云实例中)为企业提供完整的视频播放和协作解决方案. 当然,如果你完全承诺整个企业都是微软商店的话.

维奥蕾尔:我有一个 优秀的教程 on how to address Azure Media Services (AMS) with SharePoint servers, including SharePoint Server 2016. “In an Azure Media Services and SharePoint 2010/2013/2016 configuration,伊夫托德写道, “the main two advantages are: robust playback experience and simplicity.”

The main downside of this type of integration, as Iftode notes, is security. “In very short—you will use SharePoint as an interface to the media content, but the streamed media will not be hosted on-premises,伊夫托德写道, “限制访问已发布媒体内容的机制尚不完善(身份管理缺失), 但是有不同的组合可以满足一些安全要求).”

That’s an issue Rayburn brought up on the SMAdvancedForum chat, too.


Iftode推荐的一个解决方案是将所有内容托管在本地SharePoint服务器上——文档, 视频, 甚至聊天.

“我把所有东西(媒体文件+ HTML5播放器)都放在sharepoint上,基本上不依赖于互联网,伊夫托德写道. “主要优点是安全性,但主要缺点是播放体验 ...”



And that is a key advantage of an EVP: It stays abreast of media formats, including multiple ABR formats, 这是像SharePoint这样的协作和文档服务器很少能做到的, especially for on-prem versions.

Pricing is a key differentiator between a media OVP and an EVP solution.

“When you’re going into enterprise, it’s turning into a software sale,雷伯恩说, “and they typically like to buy that software based on a seat license. That’s very opposite of broadcast. You also have the issue from an update standpoint, what you’re doing with the software,雷伯恩说, 指出许多位于防火墙内的解决方案在内部部署解决方案时不容易升级.


在最后 原始资料, 我们看到了基于云的解决方案的出现,但注意到需要考虑混合替代方案. 今年, 混合解决方案在某些优先考虑安全性而非可访问性的EVP用例中继续取得重大进展.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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