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The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers and Acquisitions of 2016


在创新方面,流媒体行业几乎可以与任何技术行业相提并论. From new compression techniques to television-sized audience scaling, we tend to meet real-world challenges with innovative solutions.

Sometimes, 虽然, innovation gives way to consolidation. With the continuing rise of over-the-top (OTT) delivery, 流媒体行业到达一个整合开始超过创新的拐点是很自然的. In hindsight, it appears that 2016 was one of those years.

本文按时间顺序概述了一些最近的重大收购和合并, and it analyzes their implications for the industry.


尼亚加拉大瀑布沿着加拿大和美国之间的河流轰鸣,这是难得的几次.S. 边境被封锁了. 的原因? 这是一种太强大的自然力量.

同样的道理也适用于 尼亚加拉 流媒体解决方案. But in the case of these hardware-based products, 在过去的几年里,尼亚加拉品牌的流媒体设备易手的次数超过了尼亚加拉瀑布结冰的次数.

The most recent acquisition took place in January 2016, led by Mike Galli and a number of unnamed investors. 2012年,加利加入了viewcast——尼亚加拉流媒体设备品牌的原始所有者——担任公司的营销副总裁. 在此之前, 加利曾在多家公司工作过, including Grass Valley and SGI-spinoff Kasenna.

As ViewCast went through economic uncertainties, the company sold off 尼亚加拉 Streaming to Valdor Fiber Optics, a Canadian company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). ViewCast本身被Variosystems收购, 这家公司曾为ViewCast鱼鹰系列视频编码卡提供合同制造服务.

Galli, now CEO of newly formed 尼亚加拉 Video Corp., led the purchase of the 尼亚加拉 brand from Variosystems, and he plans to introduce new 尼亚加拉 products through the Pleasanton, 加州.的公司. 他的助手是Tom Fong, the new company’s vice president of product development, 他曾在过去被瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)和佩斯(Pace)等公司收购的几家公司担任技术和管理职务.

关于这次收购,我们仍然不知道的是,出售尼亚加拉品牌将对瓦尔多的底线产生什么影响. At the time of the 2014 acquisition of 尼亚加拉 from ViewCast, 瓦尔多付了500美元,000美元外加600美元,000, 由本票担保的, 并同意按照VideoWare业务的总销售额向ViewCast支付7%的版税 ...在五年的时间里, 最多1美元,750,000,” according to the press release announcing the deal.


直播平台 Ustream 在2016年初被IBM收购, and it was subsequently rolled into the new IBM 云视频 offering. IBM paid approximately $130 million for Ustream, 该公司一直在扩大其产品供应,包括为各种客户提供视频点播(VOD)内容播放.

我跟奥登·费迪谈过了, 谁从2010年开始在Ustream工作, 2016年流媒体西部展. Fertig is now vice president of product at Ustream, which IBM is allowing to run as an independent entity for the foreseeable future.

“当Ustream开始的时候, we were pretty much solely focused on live streaming,” Fertig told me as part of the 流媒体 West interview. “不过,多年来我们一直在扩张. Now, we’re live streaming and full on-demand video capabilities, as well. 我们能够为IBM云视频整体生态系统做出的贡献是直播专业知识,以及我们基于云的转码和多CDN产品的捆绑.”


在去年的专题中,我们提到了这一点 ComScore 和Rentrak这两家分析和受众测量公司打算合并. 新的ComScore于2016年2月完成,目前在75个国家拥有3200个客户.

这次合并对公司的股票有利, 至少一开始是这样, 在合并后的几周内,ComScore在纳斯达克的股价上涨至每股近43美元. 但该股在2016年3月的一天内下跌了近35%,至今仍未回升. 事实上, the stock fell an additional 28 percent in June, 此前,该公司没有按照自己设定的最后期限向股东通报“对某些会计问题的持续审计”.

在错过审计后不久, 创始人之一, 马吉德亚伯拉罕, stepped down as executive chairman of the ComScore board of directors, with a July 22 press release stating that he planned to finish his board term, 到2018年结束. 4个多月后, 虽然, 公司的新任董事长, 比尔亨德森, announced that Abraham had resigned his board position too.

ComScore对合并的理由是“为一个动态行业创造新的模式”, 跨平台世界”,使用“无与伦比的数据足迹,结合专有数字, 电视和电影情报与大量的人口统计细节,以量化消费者的多屏幕行为大规模.”

对他来说, 威廉Livek, Rentrak的首席执行官, received almost $15 million in stock and cash, 据彭博社报道, and is now ComScore’s executive vice chairman and president. Livek inherits a company that is, by any analytic standards, massive. 仅在美国, ComScore says it measures “behavior on more than 260 million desktop screens, 1.6亿个手机屏幕, 9500万台平板电脑屏幕, 4000万块电视屏幕, 1.2亿个视频点播屏幕, 和40,000 movie theater screens representing well over a hundred million movie-goers.”

威瑞森数字媒体服务 Acquires Volicon

威瑞森数字媒体服务 (VDMS) acquired Volicon, that meant that Volicon was now part of AOL. 如果这个简单的表述让人困惑, since AOL itself was acquired by Verizon in June 2015, 困惑的不止你一个人.

不同之处在于,最初美国在线与威瑞森的交易允许美国在线独立运营. 反过来, Verizon created a “stack” that includes rolling VDMS into AOL, 为广告商和出版商提供了一个B2B平台,美国在线称这“简化了准备工作”, delivery and display processes for content of any size, 任何设备上的观众, 到处都是.”

在2015年收购之初, VDMS管理向AOL管理报告, 这反过来又向威瑞森的产品创新和新业务管理汇报.

That structure continued through at least 2016, 因为Volicon的公告允许VDMS增强VDMS视频生命周期解决方案, 提供了Volicon的多于1,全球200个广播客户“将现有的广播源和频道直接转换为基于OTT云的交付模式.”

美国在线和威瑞森之间的工作安排一直持续到2016年底,在这种安排中,美国在线“由威瑞森提供动力”. VDMS president Bob Toohey was promoted to an executive VP at AOL, 而拉尔夫•雅各布(Ralf jacob)——在2013年收购Uplynk时加入VDMS,从首席营收官的职位调任为VDMS总裁.



作为视频编码供应链两部分相结合的方式,视频优化公司 Beamr acquired a video codec company, Vanguard Video.

“将Beamr Video与Vanguard这样的最佳编码器结合是确保给定比特率的最高质量的绝佳方法,” 所述 流媒体的 丹·雷伯恩 2016年3月的一篇博客文章中写道. 根据雷伯恩的说法,Netflix使用先锋视频的HEVC SDK来编码其4K内容.

Beamr didn’t detail the cost of its Vanguard Video acquisition, 与此同时,Beamr在首轮融资中从多家风险投资公司获得了1500万美元的融资.

2016年末, Beamr宣布,Verizon Ventures已向Beamr追加投资400万美元, which the company plans to use for market expansion.

Futuri Media收购StreamOn

而Futuri Media的收购 StreamOn 这笔交易发生在2015年,但该公司直到2016年初才发布了有关该交易的新闻信息. StreamOn has focused on audio streaming, as a standalone division of Toronto’s O.K. Radio Group, including early ventures into ad-driven streaming radio.

Futuri, 就其本身而言, focuses on interactive technologies for the media and entertainment industry, and StreamOn chief technology officer Andrew Snook. 斯努克曾与Futuri工程团队合作更新其流媒体发射器, which uses Apple HTTP 在线直播 (HLS) and media source extensions (MSEs).

Snook joined Futuri in the newly formed role of VP of streaming systems, 他的目标是将社交媒体和新技术引入HTML5音频播放器,该播放器结合了Futuri的软件即服务(SaaS)平台,用于基于移动的音频和实时分析.

谷歌收购Anvato, moodstock

With an eye toward assisting media companies with getting their content online, Google announced in July that it was acquiring Anvato.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

20 for 20: The Top Mergers and Acquisitions of the Past 20 Years

流媒体 has been around for 20 years, and has seen a lot of interesting technologies, 机会, 还有商业头脑.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers and Acquisitions of 2015

从A(OL)到V(horizon),我们来看看去年发生的重要并购交易. Here's a look back, with an eye toward what they portend for the future.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers and Acquisitions of 2014

A look back on the past year's mergers and acquisitions, with an eye toward what they portend for the future.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers and Acquisitions of 2013

From Samsung buying up Boxee to multiple acquisitions by Verizon and Yahoo, 过去的一年充满了M&A activity that reflected streaming's ever-shifting landscape.

Streamticker 2008: The Year in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Investments

The deals that made 2008—the good, the bad, and the cheap

Streamticker 2007: The Year in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Fundings

2007年被证明是合法的点对点网络和高清流媒体的一年, 但更大的新闻是,这些“大孩子”涉足流媒体领域的方式,让一些规模较小的公司对它们的大兄弟姐妹产生了敬畏.
