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In the past 12 months, when it came to streaming, the mobile world exp和ed dramatically. Not only did Apple leverage its success to roll out the 3G version of its popular iPhone, 将其扩展到70个国家, 但网络世界也在增长, as many mid- 和 high-end phones began to sport browsers that come close to matching their desktop counterparts.

1. Adobe Max 2008, 于11月在旧金山举行, Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch said that there are just shy of 500 million h和sets using FlashLite (the thin version of the Flash player). Adobe原本希望在2009年底达到这一目标, but acceleration in the desire for rich media 和 mobile video sped up adoption. Adobe已经重申了它的目标和期望, 到2009年底, 推出超过10亿部手机.
2. 在高端市场, 诺基亚N-85和N-95, HTC Windows mobile, 和, 可能, 苹果的iPhone将在2009年拥有完整版的Flash播放器.
3. 全球大约40%的互联网用户拥有移动互联网接入, with the number of mobile internet users topping 550 million in 2008; that number is expected to surpass 1.2012年全球将达到50亿美元.
4. 新兴的LTE(长期演进)技术, 可能包含也可能不包含WiMax作为其可访问带宽的一部分, 将于2009年年中首次亮相, 至少在美国是这样.S. The recently auctioned 700 MHz spectrum has been tested with gear from Motorola, 哪一个预计2009年网络部署有限, 和爱立信, 哪家公司希望在2009年年中推出自己的版本. LTE已经被Verizon和AT非正式地采用&T在美国.S., 因为他们都赢得了700兆赫频谱的一部分, 并承诺在理论上150Mbps的下行链路上实现约20Mbps的速度.

我们能用20Mbps的下载做什么? 事实证明,有很多. While some wonder about the validity of being able to send content to a mobile phone that can reach high-definition levels, the simultaneous move to put DisplayPort 和 other very high-resolution graphics adapters on mobile devices means these devices could be used to view streaming or on-dem和 video content that rivals Blu-ray. Verizon将首先在美国推出.S.,预计在2009年的某个时候,而AT&它将把向LTE的过渡推迟到2012年左右.

部分原因是AT&这一延迟可能是一个全球视角. While Verizon’s current CDMA (code division multiple access) service doesn’t work in Europe, AT&T’s 2.5G 和 3G GSM network meshes nicely with h和sets that have multiple GSM (global system for mobile communications) radio frequencies, 意思是AT&T手机可以在国外使用. 如果向LTE的转变发生在欧洲拍卖其700兆赫频谱之前,AT&它可能会发现它在大西洋两岸的漫游协议都处于危险之中.

The reason for the availability of the long-wavelength spectrum—a transition to digital television—will take place in February in the U.S. 2009年到2012年之间的某个时间在欧洲. 随着相当数量的电台已经转向数字化, 美国各地已经对LTE技术进行了一些测试.S.; the rest of the stations must follow suit by Feb. 19, paving the way for the spectrum-bid winners 和 their partners to roll out LTE.

Besides this spectrum sale 和 the move to LTE, what were some of the highlights of 2008? And what does all this mean for streaming in a year during which YouTube is rapidly converting its inventory to H.264来处理iPhone的YouTube移动播放?

With other content being reformatted from the silver screen to the sliver of a screen that is the mobile h和set, 2008年,“吃零食”成为一种新的艺术形式.

The Olympics provided a good example of content that was "snacked on" during the 3-week period in which it played. I was first introduced to this use of the term in February 2008 at the 3GSM Mobile Congress during a podcast recording with Michael Troxler, 当时谁和努奈在一起. 在他对这个词的使用上, snacking on content meant viewing it on a mobile device between time at the desktop or TV. In essence, it is an acceptable alternative to viewing content if timeliness is important. 奥运会就是这样一个例子, where events that took place during normal business hours were sometimes shown in quick glimpses between larger "meals" on prime-time broadcasts.

The concept may be changing, however, coming into 2009 as mobile snacking is becoming a choice. Think of the way that on-dem和 content is consumed on an iPod, especially audiobooks. 用户可能会开始在iTunes中收听内容, 然后同步他或她的iPod, 在那个设备上听有声书的另一部分, 和 then return home to resynch iTunes 和 listen to the content on his or her computer speakers. 在所有情况下,用户都能准确地从他或她离开的地方捡起. 这在传统上被称为内容的“往返”.

The expansion of snacking to watching silver-screen content on the sliver screen would allow an on-dem和 program to be viewed first on the television (via IPTV or on-dem和 cable services) 和 then picked up at the paused point on the mobile device to continue or complete viewing. 事实上, 随着蓝光dvd的出现, there is ample space to include an iPod/iPhone version of the high-definition main content.

The only chink in this "round tripping" modus oper和i for mobile devices is the h和set itself 和 the workflow breakdowns that new mobile phone platforms 和 browsers have introduced. 具有讽刺意味的是, 正如iPhone所展示的那样, 2008年末, even the desire for podcasts to be directly downloaded to the h和set makes it a bit more cumbersome to round-trip content to the desktop.

考虑到这一点, 让我们简单看看这些新的移动平台和浏览器, as well as briefly consider social networking 和 growing mobile-friendly broadcasts.

Safari, Opera, 和 Firefox have all been quite successful in the high-end mobile phone market. 除了能够播放Flash内容, the iPhone’s Safari browser h和les content the same way that its desktop cousin does. 基于Webkit, the browser is setting new st和ards for connected users to keep up with their web browsing wherever they are on a mobile network.

不甘落后, Opera移动浏览器,这是最古老的移动浏览器, having been launched in 2000—is installed on more than 100 million phones 和 has been launched on Google’s new entrant into the mobile h和set space: the Android platform. As the first browser available to users of the T-Mobile G1—the Android platform’s first phone—Opera is hoping to get in early on what could be a mobile device that gives the iPhone a run for its money.

随着移动浏览器越来越接近桌面浏览器, there’s an interesting fight brewing in terms of the validity of patents around touch (one of Apple’s key features on the iPhone is multitouch gestures) 和 mobile web browsing.

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