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至少2个.1 million unique viewers took advantage of NBCSports.com's Super Bowl streaming buffet, according to numbers the company released on Tuesday. 然而,独立观众的数量和在线评价显示出一个与NBC一天前的宣传截然不同的故事.

根据Brian Stetler的说法 《百家乐软件》' 媒体解码器博客, NBC claims the unique visitors viewed a total of 4.5900万流, 这意味着每个独立的观众必须a)重新启动他们的直播至少两次来刷新观看体验,或者b)观众观看了部分比赛, left and then came back at a later time.

正如周日的赛后文章所述,我们的实时测试发现这两种情况都存在. Based on NBC's numbers, and Stetler's NBC interview for a 以前的博客文章, it appears that both factors were at play.

Breaking Down NBC's Super Bowl Numbers

第一个, 我们注意到,在迈克·弗洛里奥和兰迪·莫斯的中场重述之后,下半场开始时比赛的质量有了明显的提高, from the "bowels of the stadium" as they described it, 而不是麦当娜的演唱会——这表明许多流媒体观众放弃了他们的流媒体,转而在电视上观看音乐会或参加其他活动.

Second, the total number of minutes watched by the 2.1个独立观众总数为78.6 million total minutes, for an average of 37 minutes per unique viewer. Assuming each viewer had to restart the stream twice, we'd be looking at less than one game's quarter—in real time—for each attempted view.

除了, 斯特勒指出,NBC将低质量的流媒体归咎于最后一英里问题或“连接问题”,就像凯文·莫纳汉(Kevin Monaghan)那样, managing director of digital media for the NBC Sports Group, 称他们.  虽然我们理解NBC试图尽量减少球迷观看比赛所面临的问题, it's disingenuous for NBC to blame last mile issues for two reasons: In our tests, 我们发现,我们的网络能够同时在同一网络上从其他来源传输质量更高的直播内容, so the last-mile issue was not a problem in our case.

更重要的是, 虽然, 从与电视转播相比的不同延迟时间到比赛关键时刻持续的低质量,观众们所评论的整体问题有许多一致性, one of which Monaghan mentions—to think the issues were just isolated. 从长岛到曼哈顿,从里诺到密尔沃基的观众都对直播的质量和难以辨认的图像表示失望.

就好像, 在电视出现的早期, 广播工程师说:“嘿, the signal looked good when it left our building," and it's a reminder that we're in the early days of large, live events—enough so that we can all “都怪这部大片。” 如果事件有问题.

The numbers provided by NBC also don't answer, 到目前为止, 实际观看的平均时长或观看了多少广告的问题.

Super Bowl Commercials or Game Highlights?


NBC说我.83 million commercials and game highlights were viewed, bringing the likely commercial viewing to less than one in every two viewers. If each commercial or game highlight were thirty seconds in length, this would account for less than 1 million of the 78.观看时间600万分钟.

对于将6个商业循环整合到在线游戏报道中的反应普遍是负面的, as streaming viewers felt subjected to an endless cycle of the same commercials. Online opinions ranged from a vow never to see the movie 英勇行为 to disgust over having the live stream interrupted when one chose to click on an ad, as Rainn Wilson repeatedly suggested viewers do in his Chevrolet ad. 一次烧, 一个嫌疑犯, 大多数选择看广告的观众不会再回去看第二个广告.

"NBC confused distribution with programming," wrote a commenter from Long Island on the 媒体解码器博客, "Never again for the 8 of us who got together to watch it. 至于那些购买时间的广告商,尤其是《百家乐软件app最新版下载》,在NBC强迫我们看了20多次之后,我现在再也不会看那部电影了."

主要与主要的观看时间. 第二个屏幕观众

至于平均长度的问题, 在博客圈的各个地方发表评论的观众数量几乎都试图通过流媒体观看整个比赛, which almost every one of them described as their sole source of legal access to the game. 原因包括延迟安装电缆、之前剪断电缆、在工作场所看不到电视等.

这种在线观看整个比赛的想法与NBC将流媒体作为第二屏幕的概念明显不同, 对电视的补充, 莫纳汉告诉斯特勒,NBC的“广泛研究表明,很大一部分消费者将我们的直播作为第二屏幕观看体验, with television being the primary experience."

在各种博客上,几乎所有的评论者都在抱怨无法完整地观看比赛, 现实世界中尝试使用直播的轶事证据与NBC在许多层面上的“广泛研究”无关.

举个例子, if even a third of viewers were attempting to watch the whole game online, this brings the average second-screen experience down under twelve minutes. If each unique viewer had to refresh the stream at least twice, 这意味着任何单一流的平均持续观看时间约为6分钟.

此外, 那些试图将在线游戏与电视游戏相匹配的人——就像我们在测试中所做的那样——发现这令人难以置信地沮丧.

"I have to give a conditional 'fail' to NBC’s online broadcast of the game, which was anywhere from three to four plays behind the live action, even showing commercials while the 'real' game was live,保罗·卡普斯特卡写道 移动体育报告. "Though I understand why technically the online show might be slower, 大间距使得在观看电视比赛时不可能打开笔记本电脑(或平板电脑), 消除了整个“第二屏幕”的东西,这是在线广播应该启用的."

It appears that many more of the 111.3 million television viewers—a whopping 53 times the number of online viewers, 如果在线观众没有尝试第二屏幕的补充流媒体,他们会选择在移动设备或笔记本电脑上访问Twitter Verizon无线NFL移动应用程序 或者nbc体育频道.网络直播.

Twitter announced that more than 14,000 tweets per second were sent during the final minutes of the game, 这几乎是2011年超级碗单时刻纪录的三倍.

Super Bowl Viewing on Phones and Tablets

All of this brings us back around to the idea of addressable audience, 事实上,许多手机用户也试图在手机设备上观看比赛,而不是作为第二屏幕体验. 这些数字加起来就是不对.

最后,我们忽略了手机领域的大量潜在用户. NFL的广告.以供流动浏览(图1) doesn't mention that content could only be viewed on Verizon mobile smart phones, 占美国所有可用智能手机的大约三分之一.



那些选择在其他运营商的智能手机上下载这款应用的人遇到了一个明确的障碍。图2) and attempts to go directly to the game at NBCSports.com were met with a Silverlight incompatibility message (图3).





Even some users on Verizon that downloaded the NFL Mobile app and paid the $3.00 surcharge to watch the game could not. StreamingMedia.com reader David Parker commented on our 周日晚间文章 在收到威瑞森的短信邀请后,他计划在他的威瑞森iPhone上观看比赛.

"To actually watch it you had to subscribe to Verizon Video, and you could do a one-day thing for $3,帕克写道。. "It never worked at all on my iPhone. Just got a screen saying it was loading, but nothing ever happened. 完全浪费了3美元. I actually tried to get it to work on 3G and wifi and it worked on neither."

我们期待看到更多关于超级碗直播的详细数据分析,特别是NBC声称该直播为 "a record for any sporting event shown via the Internet"——这样我们就能更好地了解如何让下一场重大体育赛事成为有线电视爱好者和第二屏幕观众的成功体验.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

What Happens When the Super Bowl Stream Buffers? 缓冲区的愤怒!

Previous Super Bowls offered less-than-satisfactory live streaming experiences. Will CBS Sports get it right for the masses this Sunday?


The NFL's rookie Super Bowl streaming effort was marred by illegible graphics, 图像质量变化很大, and up to a minute time lag behind the broadcast