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2018年在隆冬拉开帷幕, we wanted to direct your attention to an industry using video streaming that’s already hard at work preparing for the halcyon days of summer: agriculture.

对我们大多数人来说, the idea of video streaming and farmland is one of beautiful panoramic flyover views, 但对于农业从业者来说, 或农业综合企业, there’s an increasing reliance on streaming video to get the work done and done well. This article focuses on just how streaming plays a role in agriculture today and how it is affecting the near future.

开始之前, because the term “streaming” means something different to agricultural and financial markets, and also because “streams” are a key component of any irrigation or livestock pasturing, let’s discuss definitions to understand exactly what the term means to those heavily involved in the business of farming.

The use of “streaming” terminology for financial markets that deal with agribusiness is actually a concept that’s been borrowed from the mining and metals production industry. 在这种情况下, streaming is defined as both the investment flow of capital into a farm (typically prior to growing season so that crops are produced free of debt) as well as the flow of goods (crops, 主要是, 虽然它可以是其他农场生产的商品)从农场的形式长期, 固定价格商品合同. 换句话说, 这条小溪是一条钱流, via a particular method of investing in capital-intensive production that later yields a stream of profits from the margin between buying fixed-price commodities and selling them on the open market.

Ok, 现在我们已经把它从家务清单上划掉了, let’s briefly explore six ways in which agriculture and the technology of streaming video have joined together to make farming slightly less labor intensive. 其中两个区域以无人机的使用为中心, 另外两项重点是培训工作, 最后两个重点是农业创新.


1. 牲畜放牧: 在狂野西部的旧时代, a cowboy earned both his name and his livelihood by herding cattle from one pasture to another, 或者从农场到遥远的集镇. 好莱坞制作的许多西部片都以剧情为中心, 危险, 还有赶牛的篝火故事.

Most cattle wrangling and herding today is done with all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and even trucks. 这种方法相当有效, and in some ways the use of drones in cattle drives could appear to be a bad riff on 牛仔 & 外星人, since cows and bulls are both fairly large animals and prone to erratic behavior when spooked.

对于较小的谷仓动物, 虽然, 比如山羊和绵羊, there’s a continuing trend toward using drones to either replace or to augment the skills of a livestock herder and her four-legged companion.

One benefit of using drones equipped with streaming video for livestock herding comes at the end of the process. 一旦牲畜被成功地赶进了它们的围栏, human herders undertake a process of “counting sheep” to account for all the animals that had previously been released for grazing. 传统的方式是通过一个窄门, 当牲畜进入围栏时,是什么让它们排成一排.

“等你和你的助手数完最后一只羊, 每个人都需要确认他们的金额,通常他们会有所不同,总部位于南非的网站上写道 无人机的解决方案. “The counting needs to take place again and could go on several times until everyone is happy and agreeing on the amount. As you can see this process is extremely time consuming and can take anything from 30min up to 3 hours.”

无人机改变了计数发生的方式. 无人机可以被安置在大门上方, using object recognition from the video feed to count the number of livestock that pass through the gate, or it can be used later to send back high-quality imagery and streaming video as part of a post-herding count of all the livestock in a particular pen. 可以把这两者中的任何一个看作是羊群过程之上的一组眼睛.

Another way that livestock herding benefits from streaming video from drones is the ability to scout ahead, 穿越未知地形, 避开潜在的障碍或无法通过的路线. 结合3D绘图技术, it is reasonable to expect that drones might be used in the near future as a sort of guide at the front of a cattle drive, 为奶牛和牛仔选择最不费力的道路.

2. 日常维护: Another benefit of using drones with streaming video on a farm or ranch is the ability to cover large areas with minimal effort.

一个有点平凡,但非常必要的例子是围栏线检查. 在一个偏远地区,在险峻的地形上修建牧场围栏已经够有挑战性的了, but having to repeatedly retrace that fence line on foot or even in a vehicle is not just time consuming but also potentially dangerous. Combining sensor data with computer vision—the latter being used to identify breaks in a fence line—allows farmers to monitor the integrity of a fence without needing to use valuable human resources.

如果无人机发现问题, streaming video allows the farmer to confirm both whether the fence has actually been breached and whether any livestock have chosen to explore the greener grass on the other side.

在大牧场上, 牲畜可以分散在许多营地, so the benefits of streaming-video-equipped ag drones described above would only be amplified. 除了, archived video captured on a drone at higher resolutions such as Ultra high definition (UHD) or 4K can also be used to visually analyze land that’s been 3D-mapped by the drone for crop rotation or livestock grazing.

3. 如何流: 几乎每个使用智能手机的人都有, 在某种程度上, 用那部手机看了一段指导视频. Whether it’s a video on how to loosen a stubborn bolt or how to properly whisk an ingredient in a recipe, the use of how-to videos has many times replaced the need to call or text someone else for this type of advice.

In the agricultural business, there are several areas in which how-to videos are quite helpful. 第一个与我们之前提到的畜牧有关, 而不是学习如何驾驶无人机, there are a number of options available on how to properly train a dog to help with herding.

这方面的一个例子来自Twin Creek Herding and Productions, 的主人, 杰里罗, 你训练狗来放牧已经超过50年了吗. 在他的 和杰瑞一起喝咖啡 系列, 罗使用流媒体视频来培训农民如何最好地训练农场狗, 从澳大利亚的牧牛犬到大胡子牧羊犬再到比利时的马里诺伊犬. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


装配线已经改变了. 流媒体视频和音频, 还有机器学习和计算机视觉, 正在帮助制造业变得更智能、更精简吗.


在一个激动人心的复兴时期, new features and new formats stemming from last year's entertainment solutions bring significant changes to the enterprise. 以下是值得关注的七个方面.