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SMW '19: 创作谈获奖视频平台和扩展现实


蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 West 2019, we're coming down toward the end of the second day. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Contributing Editor with 流媒体杂志 and the founding Executive Director of HelpMe! 流,帮助非政府组织流媒体的非营利组织. 今天我请来了两位来自创作的先生,Liad和Gil. 他们的公司今天不只赢了一个, 不只是两个, 不只是三个, 还有四项读者选择奖. So we're gonna talk a little bit about each of these categories and just have brief descriptions on what it is that you all, 什么是产品和服务. 第一个是针对OTT视频平台的, 那是创作电视平台, 给我描述一下那是什么.

Liad艾: Thank you first for great customers and audience for choosing us for those four categories, we are very excited to be here and to get this nomination and thank you very much for all of you. 就OTT而言, we made a lot of progress in the last couple of years since we got into the space after an acquisition of a company. 从那时起, we've been working with quite a few of the Tier 1 telecommunication companies in the world, 像沃达丰, 维亚康姆, VimpelCom等, 全球有成千上万的订阅用户正在使用我们的OTT平台. Delivering live video as well as VOD and we are very happy about the progress we have made and we became, 我们从客户那里获得了很多市场洞察力和利益.

蒂姆: So who was the company that you actually acquired when you mentioned that you acquired a company 几年前?

Liad: 这是一家叫达芬奇的公司.

蒂姆: 好吧.

Liad: 这是一家初创公司,当时拥有相当多的客户, 几年前, 从那时起,我们在更高、更大的范围内开发了这项技术. 我们改进了产品,从那时起我们就进入了这个领域.

蒂姆: 好的,非常好. 下一个是企业视频平台,创作视频平台. 当然,企业是一个你已经玩了很长时间的领域. 但是,在那个特定的地方,什么是新的和创新的?

Liad: 企业部我们已经和很多大客户打交道很多年了, 它是卡尔图拉的核心朋友之一. 在过去的几年里,我们在网络定制解决方案上投入了大量资金, 我们要讨论的另一个奖项是什么. 我们还投资了平台的可扩展性, 我们提供的分析水平, 我们开发了许多适合不同用例的产品. 例如, 电子邮件视频, 一个叫做创作 Pitch的视频播放器, we developed a new player with a way to customize and make your own experience for our 企业 customers as well. And we invested a lot in scalability of our platform in the support level, which we provide as well.

蒂姆: 好吧. 所以我把这两个给你拿着,我来做接下来的两个. 这要追溯到你的根, 因为我记得Ron和早期的团队, 重点是教育. 教育视频平台,当然是创作视频平台. 从本质上讲,这是同一个平台,只是重点放在了教育上. What makes your 教育 offerings stand out, versus other potential competitors in the market?

Liad: I just want to mention that we are very focused on 教育 and 对我们来说 we see it as a whole different vertical subject matter, 专家. But the technology behind the scenes and the level of scalability that we have for media 和奥特, 同时也是服务教育客户的企业. So, 例如, 对我们来说, 当我们有现场活动,有成千上万的学生参加时, 对我们来说,在全球范围内提供服务很容易. 对我们来说,这是我们可以轻松支持的事情. 这是一个优势. We also invested a lot in the level of integration in different platforms and LMSes and the collaboration that we have with them. And we also leading in the xAPI and Caliper space to make sure that the content is standing behind the latest standards as well.

蒂姆: And do you tie in to learning management systems and other solutions like that with the 教育 platform?

Liad: Yes, we are very focusing on integrations and standing behind those standards that are special. 在教育方面,我们也引领着无障碍空间.

蒂姆: 好吧.

Liad: 确保我们所有的产品都符合这些方面的标准. 是的,教育对我们来说是件大事. 我们有650多所大学,并将继续下去, 计划继续在这个领域进行投资.

蒂姆: 好的,非常好. And then the final one was Webcasting or Presentation Solution in the Cloud, 创作 Webcasting. 我想在我们播出之前, Liad, 你和吉尔说这是一场非常重要的胜利, 请告诉我什么是创作 Webcasting,以及它与创作视频平台有何不同.

Liad: So our webcasting product, the reason we were so happy is that it's a relatively new product. 它已经不新鲜了, 但我觉得只有三到四年, 而其他产品则不止于此. 所以对我们来说,成为这个领域的领导者是一个巨大的成就, 我们对此感到非常自豪,并致力于继续取得成功. 从Q开始,我们在网络直播领域开发了不少功能&A,更多的可扩展性,实时分析可供客户访问. We recently released a new version of Personal Webcast to allow every user to start their event directly from their laptops without the need to connect external encoders, 这也是我们支持的. We also committed to our open capture standards to make sure that we can work with different encoders and serve the entire ecosystem.

蒂姆: 好吧.

Liad: Provide ones that are creating the largest value for our customers are the ones that we want to make sure they can integrate easily.

蒂姆: 好的,非常好. 然后是吉尔, 我们要讨论的是第五个话题, 很简单, 但你说这是一个根本不存在的类别.

吉尔Shefler: 它现在还不存在于雷达上

蒂姆: 如果你想让我抱着

吉尔: 当然,拿着这些

蒂姆: 玻璃碎片.

吉尔: 是啊,小心那些. 你知道,你可能会伤害到别人.

蒂姆: 标枪头之类的.

吉尔: 我要用我的道具. 我有道具,不妨用一下. 所以,我想提名一个类别. 所以,希望我们也能获得提名. 扩展的现实.

蒂姆: 好吧.

吉尔: 这意味着增强现实,虚拟现实以及介于两者之间的一切. 我认为Liad提到的三管齐下的方法的力量, 教育, 企业, 和奥特, 一旦你有了这个基础, 将其带入新兴的扩展现实世界相对简单和容易. 我们可以把它推下去, 这是我们已经看到的, 所以这不仅仅是理论.

蒂姆: 我在文章中读到过关于在职培训中使用的, 还有远程诊断之类的.

吉尔: 它走了一条迂回的路线. 人们认为所有东西都会像iPhone一样发展. 一出现,第二天每个人都有一个.

蒂姆: 正确的.

吉尔: 这一个走了一条不同的路线. 它已经在大学里被采用了, 学术机构, 并与企业培训学习, 这实际上会支撑整个市场. 它会把它拉上来,这样当硬件, 软件和意识是存在的, 也许会有一个iPhone时刻, 但它已经被采用了. 这就是创作基金会, 为那些他们认为已经存在的体验提供动力, and I'm here to just increase awareness and let people know that there are really cool ways to, 本质上, 用这种媒介讲故事. 所以,是的,第五类,潜在地,考虑到它,是的. 谢谢你们邀请我们和所有这些奖项.

蒂姆: 绝对.

吉尔: 我觉得自己像个

蒂姆: And thank you all for obviously putting out some really good products that readers of 流媒体 felt like were compelling enough to go not just for one, 不是两个, 不是三个,而是四个.

吉尔: 我要感谢大家为我们投票.

蒂姆: 是的,绝对.

吉尔: 欣赏它.

蒂姆: 我们马上回来进行下一个采访.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Newrow gives 创作's Meeting Solution increased collaborative features like group white board, 同步观看, 还有实时测验和投票

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流媒体 contributing editor 蒂姆Siglin interviews Teradek VP of Sales Jon Landman at 流媒体 West 2019.


这是坏消息. The good news is that you can keep employees' attention by making videos more interactive with hotspots, 小测验, 和分支.

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