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SMW '18: IBM Watson Media和Weather的Scott Grizzle谈论寻找解决方案

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Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆Siglin: And we're back here at 流媒体 West 2018. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 《百家乐软件》特约编辑,非盈利组织HelpMe的创始执行董事! 流. Today, I've got with me Scott Grizzle from IBM. Scott, first of all, on a personal note, congratulations. I got a chance to meet your lovely bride here just a few minutes ago. That's probably bigger news than anything else we're gonna talk about.

斯科特灰色: 是的, it's been a few months now since we got married. 这很有趣.

蒂姆Siglin: 好,太棒了. So, tell me what you're doing at IBM and what's new.

斯科特灰色: 好吧, I'm a Senior Solutions Engineer for Watson Media and Weather, 以前的IBM云视频, 还是同一群人, working on just finding crazy solutions for customers. 每个客户都有不同的需求,我在那里帮助找到正确的需求. If it may be incorporating AI and cognitive or video enrichment, if it's live closed captioning or VOD captioning, some customers were also more of the enterprise space.

我们看到企业领域的客户也在做公共活动, so we gotta find the right scenarios. 我们与他们合作,在一些生产方面,或者他们应该买什么装备. So, 有时, they have no video experience at all, 但他们知道他们有这种需求,这就是我的角色,真正帮助他们,引导他们度过难关.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 所以, they come to you with the business need, "We need to get the message out, how do we best get the message out?"

斯科特灰色: 是的, and I always say we build a dream. 他们带着一个小小的梦想进来,我们可以向他们解释他们能做的一切. How different units in their company can use this Axiom platform, because you might have an HR group who wants to do trainings, 但现在你有了市场营销. 他们可以用它来举办大型活动,或者大公司可能有投资者关系.

You could have multiple platforms for one company, 谁可以有分支,做一个整体的主账户,设计成每个人都可以有自己的专业账户.

蒂姆Siglin: It's interesting you say that, because just prior to coming into streaming, I spent a short stint 在视频 conferencing, we sorta called it death by a thousand cuts. 如果视频会议室是由某个主题专家使用的或者是 ... 我们在做军事研究, who was connecting with a family member in Afghanistan or Iraq, ultimately it was all the uses of video for that. So, it's interesting to hear you describe that. So, 就整合社交媒体而言,大多数公司的梦想通常是什么, 他们是想要召开一次全体会议,还是这上千个削减的组合?

斯科特灰色: 以上都是. 确实如此,我们甚至可以看到, 你提到了军队, the military obviously is having, I'm not gonna say financial difficulties, 事实并非如此, but it's hard for them to backfill personnel. That's a huge thing 现在, so what can you do? 他们不会雇人,所以你能做的就是用人工智能让他们的工作更容易、更快捷. We're not taking jobs away, because those jobs aren't there. It's just making people more efficient, 更少的压力, 因为如果有2,500名水手都发送视频,10名船员负责编辑这些视频, 这是不可能的.

蒂姆Siglin: 是的,我也经历过这种情况. We had two people in a 3,500-person, yeah.

斯科特灰色: 是的, and you just wanna pull your hair out. Now, if you can have AI go through, tag video, what is in it? 做一个封闭的字幕, so you had to have a transcript available, 因为你可以把它转换成平移和其他东西, 多种语言. So, the whole thing is helping customers be educated and again, every customer has a different workflow. 他们需要什么?? Then we can find the right solution for them and make it simple.

蒂姆Siglin: So, and you mentioned Watson and you mentioned artificial intelligence. 我假设 ... 很明显,沃森是神经网络的第一个公开例子以及这些东西的工作方式. 改名是为了让人们明白这是什么,而不仅仅是一个视频云解决方案吗?

斯科特灰色: 是啊,再说一遍,我们的东西可不只是普通的送货. We're more just than a CDN, we're more than just a video platform. 有了人工智能的体验和我们即将推出的其他整合, 我们想利用这一点, 另一个大脑. We can actually do the metadata and do all the stuff out there, have a video go through and do scene selection for itself.

元数据提取让事情变得更简单,你可以把它放在搜索结果中. 整个事情是使查找东西更快、更容易,并减少编目工作, 因为说实话, 在视频, 即使编辑, the biggest problem is cataloging. You want your editors to edit video, not to go through and...

蒂姆Siglin: 是的, 大多数时候,我们花了90%的时间试图找出剪辑在哪里以及剪辑中有什么. 现场直播怎么样?, because obviously cataloging is one thing, but what about applying that to live videos?

斯科特灰色: 是的, so that’s something we are working on. 很明显,现在最重要的是我们的直播字幕,使用的是沃森. 我们仍然会有一些转录,现在他们可以通过和编辑,而不是确保它通过沃森,而不是让一百万人打字. 再一次, if you can do archiving live video enrichment, 你可以再一次, you already had a transcript graded, 现在你什么都有了, 场景是什么?, 鉴定是什么?, 现场直播, 这是有道理的, 因为现在你节省了时间, 但是再一次, 现在, 即使是在视频点播上, 我们比实时更快, 所以即使不是现场直播, 我们几乎可以现场表演.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 好的,很好. 斯科特,谢谢你的时间. Very interesting stuff and we'll be right back.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMW '18: 蒂姆Siglin Recaps Highlights of 流媒体 West

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林讨论了2018年流媒体西部的关键话题, 包括microservices, 交互式流媒体, 的电子竞技, MR/AR(不包括VR), 低延时, 以及流媒体中的女性.

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