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SMW 17: B正确的cove's Anil Jain Talks Securing Live-Streamed Content

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 West 2017. 我是蒂姆·西格林, ReelSolver Inc .的流媒体和媒体战略负责人特约编辑. I've got a couple guests back-to-back here from B正确的cove. Go ahead and introduce yourself.

Anil耆那教的: Hi. My name is Anil Jain. 我是B正确的cove公司媒体业务的执行副总裁兼总经理.

蒂姆Siglin: B正确的cove's been around for quite some time. 多长时间?

Anil耆那教的: 13年.

蒂姆Siglin: 多长时间 have you been with B正确的cove?

Anil耆那教的: I've been there for about four years now.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. What was your background prior to that?

Anil耆那教的: 我的背景让我在科技领域徘徊了20多年. I've been in the media tech side of the world since 2010. I was at a startup called Unicorn Media. 在服务器端广告插入成为一个流行术语之前,我们就开创了这个行业.

蒂姆Siglin: David Morrell's a good friend of mine. You had a couple Limelight guys there too, as well.

Anil耆那教的: 我们做了. Actually quite a few. 所以,从CDN世界开始的人们进入了视频发布和货币化领域. I was part of that team, 我负责战略业务发展和企业发展,并在2014年初将公司出售给B正确的cove. So I’m just coming on completing four years. 在那之前,我实际上是一名训练有素的材料科学家,但我已经接触这个领域很多年了.

蒂姆Siglin: Computational fluid dynamics, all that fun stuff?

Anil耆那教的: 哦,是的. Super conductors, optical wave guides, LCD panels. 我过去工作过的两家非常大的公司是康宁公司,当时我正在读本科和研究生. 研究生毕业后,我从波士顿搬到亚利桑那州,在英特尔公司工作. 在英特尔, 我很高兴成为英特尔第一个互联网创业公司的团队的一员,这改变了一切. Thereafter, I got into startups.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, that's fascinating because I started out in aerospace research, 风洞, although my job was crisis management/public relation. 所以当我们炸了什么东西,我就会回去,既不确认也不否认. 但 that whole CFD, pressure-sensitive paint, 材料, 热烧蚀, we could have a long conversation on that, but let's not 正确的 now.

Anil耆那教的: 是的,我们可以. 让我们不要. It's far field from streaming media.

蒂姆Siglin: 刚才你和我在一个座谈会上讨论了直播的安全问题. Let's talk a little bit about that for people who weren't able to be here.

Anil耆那教的: 确定. 有, 很明显, 围绕保护直播内容的一些技术问题和解决方案. 但我在小组讨论中提出的一些观点可能和我在这里重申的是一样的. 这是, 从根本上, content companies that are looking at unlocking revenue potential of life, 正确的, whether it's simulcast or, for the most part, live events that have exclusive 正确的s to like sporting events. We talked about some popular fights this summer--

蒂姆Siglin: The Pacquiao fight, the Mayweather fight.

Anil耆那教的: 完全. For the 正确的s holder, 这些游戏产生了巨大的收入潜力,这是通过这些版权的线性流媒体获得的. 所以在按次付费的模式下,他们可以从观众身上赚钱,这是他们以前无法从观众身上赚钱的.

蒂姆Siglin: 但 as they're monetizing that, they're also trying to keep people from accessing it that weren't paying.

Anil耆那教的: 在整个小组讨论中,我们讨论了这样一个事实,即许多内容保护或内容证券化是由那些授权内容的人驱动的,或者更确切地说, 许可人要求被许可人履行某些义务的内容. 这适用于工作室授权内容的VOD资产,而不仅仅是直播. The same thing applies.

因此,需要保护这些流,以确保你履行了合同义务,解决了责任问题. 但, 从根本上, 我和我的团队向客户提供的指导是,你必须考虑与你的内容保护策略相关的投资回报率. 你会在多大程度上强制执行窃取你的内容?


蒂姆Siglin: Some of those are doing it for revenue, as you talked about. 他们中的一些人这样做只是因为他们想尝试挑战,看看他们是否可以打破这个系统.

Anil耆那教的: 完全. Whatever their motivations are, the main point is that, out of all the potential audience members you have out there, 你是要专注于那些少数人,还是要把你的百家乐软件放在提供一个有吸引力的体验上,让你能够为所有愿意付费的用户提供服务? You have to play the trade-off game to be able to say, “我要在多大程度上使用某些技术来保护我的数据流? 如果我发现有人违反了许可证,我该怎么办?"

蒂姆Siglin: So, 说到这一点, 你提到了许可人被许可人实际上是被迫出去工作的. 你作为一个技术提供商,为那些拥有这些战斗权利的公司提供服务, you also to certain extent have that same sort of obligation, and that's probably written contractually into it. 是否有不超过3%的人必须达到的目标...

Anil耆那教的: 是的. So, it's a good point. I think a lot of what goes into a contract for our service provider, and we have to be smart about this as well, because this is all about who bears the liability 最后, 正确的? 有 premium SLAs that we can provide to our customers. 这些是关于正常运行时间和流质量方面的服务水平,如果他们正在使用其他功能,那么这些功能是可用的, because they're very important to their overall model, 正确的? 当涉及到实际保护流,然后强制哪些流是不受保护的, 我们所做的就是注册提供DRM包装或DRM许可服务,并确保它有一定的正常运行时间. 但我们不承担责任,因为我们不清楚许可方和被许可方之间的合同义务是什么,所以我们承担这些责任没有意义.

话虽如此,真正重要的是与客户的长期关系. 如果你不能提供他们需要的服务,你就不会有这个业务. 我们显然非常注重冗余和客户需要的所有功能,因为, 最后, they have to provide this experience because it's real dollars.

蒂姆Siglin: 绝对. Anil, thank you very much for your time.

Anil耆那教的: 这是我的荣幸. Nice to speak with you.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMW 17: B正确的cove's David Sayed Talks Context-Aware Encoding


SMW 17: Deluxe的Rick Phelps谈论全方位服务广播内容交付

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Deluxe Entertainment SVP, Broadcast Sales Rick Phelps at 流媒体 West 2017.