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SME 2018: TIME's Mia Tramz Talks Brand Impact and Immersive Media

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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2018. I'm 蒂姆Siglin, contributing editor with 流媒体杂志. 今天我请来了《百家乐app下载》杂志的米娅·特拉姆斯. 米娅,你叫什么名字?

米娅Tramz: I am the Editorial Director of 企业与沉浸式体验 for TIME.

蒂姆Siglin: 企业与沉浸式体验. 这听起来像是一个非常全面的标题.

米娅Tramz: 它是.

蒂姆Siglin: So is it immersive just for the enterprise space, or for the media and entertainment space as well?

米娅Tramz: 在我的工作中,我身兼数职. 我的工作包括很多方面. But I get to drive and kind of produce our most ambitious projects, print stories, podcasts.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

米娅Tramz: 视频可以跨越各种媒介和平台. It's really a job to ensure that the brand continues to have impact and that we are engaging with the culture that we publish into.

蒂姆Siglin: What are the decisions that you go through that decide which medium or which platform to actually publish, given the fact that you just described a wide gamut of platforms?

米娅Tramz: I'm one of many editors there tasked with programming across all the platforms that we publish to. 我的工作就是找到最大的, most ambitious projects in the mix and kind of bring them to life. Make sure that they hit as many platforms as they can, that they have as wide of a reach as they can.

它确实包括VR和AR, 所以我真正在寻找的是能让我们, 真的引起了轰动.

蒂姆Siglin: 多么有趣. What are some of the projects that you're sort of most proud of that you've worked on?

米娅Tramz: 我三周前才开始做这份工作. But I was working at TIME previously for about two and a half years. I left the TIME brand to work for our parent company producing the VR and AR experiences, 三周前我又回到了《百家乐app下载》杂志. I actually just won an Emmy last night for one of the VR projects I produced. 它被称为“捕捉珠穆朗玛峰”. 这当然是我最引以为豪的作品之一. It was the first VR documentary to take you from the bottom of Mt. 珠穆朗玛峰登顶. 我们跟着两位杰出的登山者. One of them was the first American amputee to summit with our climb.

蒂姆Siglin: 哦,哇.

米娅Tramz: 我为《百家乐软件app最新版下载》制作的. 我们以四集的VR系列纪录片的形式发布了它. 这是《百家乐软件app最新版下载》第一期ar激活版. 我们做了一篇关于登山者的封面报道. It had many parts and that's sort of the modus operandi that I'm bringing to TIME.

蒂姆Siglin: 确定. 你去大本营旅行了吗?

米娅Tramz: 不,我没有. 我从来没去过拍摄现场.

蒂姆Siglin: 你要生产. 而不是参与拍摄.

米娅Tramz: 我是制作人,没错.

蒂姆Siglin: 米娅,非常感谢你的宝贵时间. I understand you're doing a panel at Video Marketing Power Summit in the next couple minutes. 你要上的是什么小组?

米娅Tramz: 所以这个小组将主要关注VR和AR, 以及如何使用这些技术, 在哪些方面我们已经看到了成功, 我们认为主要的障碍会在哪里, 这需要什么才能达到大规模采用? And then what the opportunities would be for folks that are attending the Summit.

蒂姆Siglin: Thank you very much and we'll be right back with our next guest.


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