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SME '19: Notre Dame's Eric Nisly Talks University Social 流ing

Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 East 2019. I'm 蒂姆Siglin, Contributing Editor with 流媒体杂志. And Founding Executive Director of the not-for-profit Help Me! 流. Today I've got with me, Eric Nisly from Notre Dame. And that's Notre Dame, the University. 所以埃里克, 你告诉我, just before we went on-air, that your department handles streaming not just for the academics, 但要更久一点.

Eric nis: 实际上,我们处理信仰、体育和学术方面的一切事务. And any large campus events, we take care of all of the streaming out that doesn't go to a network, that goes to web delivery, 我们处理所有这些.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, 但我记得你也提到过,如果有人在几个县的地区需要为一个网络进行广播,你们也都有这些类型的设施.

Eric nis: 所以我们目前的设备是Evertz IP路由器和完整的控制室和工作室. 所以我们也处理本地网络和大型网络的现场拍摄. 他们会派人到我们的设施里,通过管道进行广播.

蒂姆Siglin: And you have a fairly famous person at this point... The mayor of your city, who's actually running for President. So is he coming into your facility and using that?

Eric nis: 是的, Mayor Pete's been in the facility a couple times for some live shots. 当他进来的时候,我们能够为不同的地方提供便利吗.

蒂姆Siglin: 太棒了. Evertz is a traditional broadcast solution. 你实际上是用什么来编码和从流媒体端推出内容?

Eric nis: For streaming we use the Elemental Live Encoders. 我们有5个. 我们, depending on what kind of event we're doing, 我们要么把单曲推送到YouTube频道进行直播. 在某些情况下,尤其是我们的运动员客户,他们喜欢去多个地方. 所以我们会去Periscope, YouTube和SIDEARM Sports,他们处理他们的... All of their VOD and website right now. 然后我们就可以, in large campus events where it's one of those, 不能失败, 这种情况. We're really concerned about hardware CDN or failure at any points, and so we architect it with a 不能失败 scenario. 所以如果一个硬件坏了,备份流已经从另一个硬件出来了. We already have streams going to multiple CDNs. 上周是圣母院日,我们做了30个小时的直播. 对于那个事件, I actually was at one point, 为不同的流运行5个独立的编码器.

蒂姆Siglin: 每一个编码器都在你的比特率阶梯上做多种演绎吗, or were you doing like the 1080P on one and the 720P on another encoder?

Eric nis: Actually, we let the CDNs take care of our multiple bitrates. We're typically sending out just the highest stream. 因此,编码器1和2主要实际上流式传输两/三个不同的cdn与相同的内容. And that was just the primary stream, so it was to a tertiary level of failure, because it was it was a absolutely 不能失败 scenario. And then encoder four, five and at one point, six, were actually doing... 一个是社交媒体. So Periscope and Facebook, for just simply pushing out to social media. 然后另一个编码器也在做一个完全独立的编程部分. 有一场音乐会的主要节目只是断断续续地播放,然后他们也把这些节目放到了社交媒体上.

蒂姆Siglin: So with Periscope and Facebook, 你是直接向那些人推送,而不是把它推送到CDN,然后再推送到Facebook Live? Is that just you have better control that way, or?

Eric nis: Well, we mount straight to Facebook and to Periscope for that. 我们更喜欢在单独的编码器上运行,因为如果我们在主编码器上运行,你必须做故障排除, then failure and restarting on social media is pretty common.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的. 很难,对吧. 是的,是的. 这是真的. 所以现在, Elemental made their mark in HEVC contribution, are you sending HEVC to the CDNs or are you sending AVC?

Eric nis: No. 是的, we're still traditional for most of our streams, 当然了, that's going to need to change. Especially Facebook now saying that RTMP is going away. 它必须是S. 上周还吓了一跳说要完工了,上周就取消了.

蒂姆Siglin: I think every time they try to kill RTMP... Every time somebody tries to kill RTMP it survives. 讽刺的是,WebRTC是基于RTSP的,而RTSP已经有22年的历史了. 但是你知道吗?? 它在基础水平上运行,显然RTMP只是它的衍生物, so it's ironic to me that we still contribute in something that's that old. As you say, it has to change. Are you all exploring AV1, VP9, HEVC, or is that something that's sort of still in the preliminary stages?

Eric nis: 初步的阶段. Some of our equipment, because if it works, we try not to break it. 所以我们还没有完成一些设备所需的所有升级. 我们有很多编码器,有些可以,有些现在还不行. And so it's just a matter of which product and which workflow.

蒂姆Siglin: It's sort of like why's there's still a lot of MPEG-2 in broadcast. If it works, it works, don't break it, so. 好吧. Eric, thank you very much for your time.

Eric nis: 好吧. 谢谢你!.

蒂姆Siglin: 我们马上回来.

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