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SME '19: IBM Watson's 斯科特 Grizzle Talks Live Captioning 和 the Rise of IP Video

了解更多关于直播和视频点播字幕的信息 流媒体的下一个事件.

Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live here at 流媒体 East 2019. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 流媒体杂志的特约编辑和非营利组织“帮助我”的创始执行董事! 流. 今天我请来了一位老客人, 不管怎么说,这也不是坏事, 形状, 或形式. 斯科特, 首先, give me your title because I know sometimes in big companies, 像IBM这样的, 标题修改.

斯科特灰色: Still the Senior Solutions Engineer for IBM Watson Media & 天气. We are literally the acquisition of ClearLeap 和 Ustream, major Watson media. Now with the weather company being fully part of IBM, we are now one uber unit. 所有视频相关的,所有广播和流媒体.

蒂姆Siglin: So 斯科特 Grizzle, 天气man is possibly in your future?

斯科特灰色: 确定. Maybe, I mean, I do feel in my knees when the weather's bad.

蒂姆Siglin: So, 你已经在这个行业呆了很长时间了,我有几次采访的嘉宾谈到了现在人们对OTT直播内容和广播内容看起来是一样的期望. 你和我都记得那些日子,好像他们会推给你一个feed,然后说它只适用于网络.

斯科特灰色: I remember the days when we showed up to a location, 因为那时候还没有真正用于制作, 这是, 或者不是为了娱乐, 更多的是联想, 这是贸易展览, 诸如此类的事情,我们还举办了一些大型活动, 我们做了推广, 但它不像Netflix和Hulu, 它没有娱乐的东西, 它更有教育意义. So we roll in there 和 now you can connect with ISDN. 和 I don't know how many people, you, people remember ISDN what a pain that was. 你知道, 或者恶劣的互联网, 但他们有一句台词,这个想法很好, 它只适用于网络, 这有什么关系?? 我是从广播公司来的. 我不相信“它只适用于网络”这种说法." It's video, it's broad, 和 it might come from, it's broadcast video. I'm broadcasting via the the web, I am broadcasting via transmitters. So, 我的理念——这是在近20年前——展示最高质量的装备, 这样做, 它会持续很长时间. 这就是整个过程.

蒂姆Siglin: 尽可能获得最高质量的存档,因为你知道技术会继续发展,以后在网络上看起来会更好.

斯科特灰色: 和 remember to keep your archives, 和 then you can re-encode 'em. 因为格式会变的, 但如果你拍摄得当,你可以重新编码为最新的格式,你仍然会给人留下最好的印象.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, my undergrad degree was motion picture production, so, 我的东西总是, 我们把它拍成电影吧. I never could get anybody to buy into the cost of shooting on film, 但最终你是对的, 你会得到一个母版, 和 then you work off that to do your mezzanines 和 then your distri但ion.

斯科特灰色: 我的高级执行制片人是个电影人. 他没有拍电影,因为他就是这样开始和公司的CEO打交道的. 这就是经过深思熟虑的心态, 我们有市场上最好的编辑, we had the best cameras in the market 和 huge storage, 我们看了很多录像带. We were doing, at the time, more video than C-SPAN 和 Discovery combined per week.

蒂姆Siglin: 哇,太疯狂了. 所以,在那些日子里,当你提到录音带的时候,还有一个问题,就是寻找内容 I think it's ironic you're now working with IBM with Watson, which works to both listen to the audio 和 do speech to text, 通过图像搜索之类的东西. NAB有一则公告, I know you said that this product has has been around, 或者服务已经出现了, 有一段时间, 那是什么呢?? 是隐藏式字幕吗?

斯科特灰色: So, 是的, 我们确实有现场字幕, 但实际上, 你现在在说什么, 实际上我们有, 你知道, 看了一些视频, 在哪里, 和 we can go through its metadata extraction 和 we work, we can do search 和 discovery 和 recommendations, 这是巨大的, because the more 信息 you have from the video, 你的建议越好. 和 a part of that is a transcript, you will get speech to text. 这是内置的. Then also, the streaming platform has VOD closed captioning. We have st和alone VOD closed captioning 和 now we also have live closed captioning, 我们现在应该为几个主要的广播公司推出哪些我们希望拥有的, 希望, a live version in a platform by the end of the year, 明年初.

蒂姆Siglin: So, IBM是否从本质上认为广播和OTT是同一件事,只是在制作质量和诸如封闭字幕方面不同的交付媒介?

斯科特灰色: I'm not going to say IBM does, 但 I will say that I do.

蒂姆Siglin: 我知道你知道. 我知道你知道. 但有趣的是,你们公司已经有了它的广播版本和流媒体.

斯科特灰色: We definitely see it in many cases as a video workflow. 现在,再一次,什么是传动装置? Is it a transmitter, is it, 你知道, an IP signal? 这是什么?? 它是一家有线电视公司还是一家OTT运营商. In some cases, it's semantics, because really they are offering the same thing. I mean, if you look at some aggregators--Hulu's an aggregator. Couldn't Hulu, at the same time, be a cable operator?

蒂姆Siglin: 随着ATSC 3的出现,这也很有趣.0. 我一直在跟进, 写到这里, 基本上,我对流媒体行业人士的描述是,广播公司看到我们做了什么,并从中学习,他们将做IP多播. 和 it's going to go to scale in a way that we can't do with Unicast. 但最终, 这一切都将通过IP传递, which means that broadcasters are going to learn as much about IP as we know.

斯科特灰色: 好吧, 如果你看一下广播公司, 就像你在看NDI, we have right across from us we have a bit NewTek sign. 你知道,他们是NDI的大公司. 现在有很多相机公司. I mean, you have a Sony camera now, it's probably IP-based. A lot of cameras out there are becoming IP-controlled. IP delivery, IP switchers, switching into the cloud. You're getting a lot more options out there that allows the broadcaster to do that. 和, 说实话吧, 很多广播公司, 所以你有CBS的分支机构, 他们不能播放国家的东西. 那么,他们是如何保持收视率的呢? They have to do original content 和 they want to do local-supported events, 和 they get it out there 和 keep web presence more revenue for 'em.

蒂姆Siglin: 这很有趣,因为, 记得在报纸界, 当本地内容干涸你, 然后你有了像帕奇和其他一些地方的尝试, 而且地方广播太贵了, 但, 如你所说, to keep viewership they're going to have to do more local, 我觉得这太棒了.

斯科特灰色: 我觉得你谈论报纸很有趣有多少报纸开始在网上出现,并成为OTT平台, 而且更多的是与新闻相关的. How many videos are on New York Times or LA Times?

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, 事实上是这样的, 当我在大学教书时, one of the things that we were saying to the students, 即使在10年前, 你想成为一名纸媒记者吗, 但是你必须学习如何拍摄照片和视频,因为你需要使用最好的媒体来讲述故事. 如果在特定情况下讲述故事的最佳媒介是视频, know how to do that just as well as 你知道 how to write the print article.

斯科特灰色: 嗯,完全. 嗯,整个问题是,照明. 所以,你去了犯罪现场,你把相机放在那里,你仍然需要找到正确的角度. 否则它不会表现得很好.

蒂姆Siglin: 一定要有足够的光照.

斯科特灰色: 它不会被打印出来. 同样的事情如果你,你知道,这是UGC中的一件事,你有,它是什么? 委内瑞拉发生了未遂政变. 有人把手机拿出来了. 好吧, 有些人比其他人更好, 和 those that were better were the ones that were aired internationally, 因为它们有更好的角度. 和 we saw that 这是 a few years ago with the Occupy. All of the streaming stuff 和 the big thing for Ustream at the time was Occupy, 和, 很明显, 实际上他们背后有很多制作. They actually had a plan going in 和 they had very high-quality gear.

蒂姆Siglin: 对的,绝对. 好吧, 斯科特, as always, fascinating to talk to you. 我们马上回来.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


为了确保高质量的观看体验,同时遵守地区法规,音频和字幕必须保持一致. 这可以通过利用机器学习的自动校准系统高效且经济地实现. 其结果是一种满足当今全球观众高期望的观看体验,并推动了增长.

The Key 流ing Video Challenges the Industry Faces Today

以及如何解决它们. 带宽限制, 延迟的问题, 设备兼容性方面的挑战阻碍了观看者体验理想的视频流. 下面是该怎么做.

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