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A morning session at today’s 流媒体 West 2013 discussed captioning and transcription solutions being rolled out by enterprise and media companies. Best Practices for Implementing Accessible Video Captioning explored the costs and benefits of captioning, as well as best practices and tips for implementing accessibility technologies.

Josh Miller,联合创始人 3播放媒体他主持了小组讨论. He kicked off the panel by talking about several laws that govern captioning and accessibility of web videos, Section 504 and 508 from the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973 and 1986, 以及《百家乐软件app最新版下载》.

“这是我们行业中最受关注的游戏, though, 是CVAA,米勒说。, 注意到它将分六个阶段逐步实施. 阶段, 从2013年开始, range from prerecorded content not edited for Internet distribution to archival content, which will ultimately be required to have captions within fifteen days of the initial archival date.

Miller notes that captioning includes benefits for English as a Second Language (ESL) students.

“80 percent of views on YouTube are coming from outside of the United States,布拉德·埃利斯说, 谷歌的产品经理 YouTube. “其中很多都不是英语. 这是一个巨大的增长机会.”

Ellis says YouTube builds tools for content creators to add captions to their uploaded content.

“只要给视频加上字幕, 在一次测试中,我们看到视频观看量增加了4%,埃利斯说。 of an A/B test YouTube had performed between a captioned video and a non-captioned video.

Ellis also noted that auto-captioning is able to cover 300 million videos.

“技术是我们扩大规模的唯一途径,埃利斯说。, 指出YouTube的自动字幕仍然存在问题. “我们偶尔会不经意地提供一些喜剧缓解.”

Ellis says auto-captioning in English has progressed significantly in the past few months. Still, the company doesn’t use these automated captions in text-based searches.

“我们现在不使用自动字幕,埃利斯说。, to a question about indexing the auto-captioning for search and retrieval. YouTube does use uploaded captions, though, to increase the quality of searches.

另一位小组成员比尔·麦卡蒂(Bill McCarty)是 Dell’s corporate multimedia group, discussed the reasons for doing captioning in the enterprise world.

“We primarily create marcomm content used by business-to-business users,麦卡蒂说。. “We pay for the content ourselves as part of the pre-sales marketing. 我们现在把所有的东西都记录下来.”

McCarty noted that they’ve been transcribing everything for the last 18 months.

“并不是我们所有的遗产内容都被转录了,”他说. “我没有收到很多关于遗留内容的请求, 但我们过去18个月的所有内容都有标题.“

一位来自 t - mobile USA said his company has a compelling reason to caption for internal employee use. 阿里Daniali, 他是T-Mobile的网页开发者, said that employees using the T-Mobile intranet within a store environment don’t have a speaker on their computers.

达尼阿里说:“我们给所有东西都加上了标题。. “All that cost is part of the budget of corporate communications.”

最初的想法, 据达尼阿里说, was to provide a transcript alongside internal corporate communications videos, but the company has settled on captioning instead of a transcript, given the limited amount of screen real estate for video playback.

YouTube的埃利斯说, 而他们“实际上并没有在YouTube上创造内容”, 我们的目标是通用字幕.

“Our goal is to make every video understandable for every user,埃利斯说。. “这是一个长期目标,但这是我们的目标.”

Dell’s McCarty said that captioning provides several additional benefits.

“We see a secondary benefit when we play videos in our lobbies,麦卡蒂说。. “Multiple videos playing on multiple screens don’t conflict with each other the way they would if the audio were played.”

McCarty says that the cost of captioning really isn’t that great, 与中档和高端视频制作相比.

“Build in budget for translation and closed captioning,” he added. “A learning that we found is to keep on-screen text to a minimum so that localization can be done through translation and closed captioning.”

McCarty also said that clarity of speech requires both good microphones and also clear presenters.

“你能听到正在发生的事情是很重要的, 不仅是为了观众,也是为了转录员,麦卡蒂说。. 这意味着高质量的麦克风和清晰的演示器.”

He noted that one production shift is an awareness of which subject matter experts speak with heavy accents.

Daniali指出,移动设备给字幕带来了挑战, both in smaller form factors and in presentation of the captions on multiple device types.

“每当我们想向员工手机发送视频时, there’s sensitivity to putting lots of data on the public mobile network,达尼阿里说。, adding that there’s ongoing internal discussion about the use of mobile delivery of corporate communications to personal devices so that employees can consume that content off the intranet.

YouTube的埃利斯对此表示赞同, addressing an audience questions around CEA-608 and -708 broadcast standards captioning.

“We’ve focused very hard on making sure we have captions on mobile devices,埃利斯说。, noting the fragmentation of mobile devices and operating systems present a challenge.

“I’m looking forward to the day when we can say that 100 percent of mobile devices support captions,” he said.





Few content publishers have the know-how or resources to do their own captioning. Here are the issues to explore when selecting a service provider.

Telestream Updates Closed Captioning Programs Acquired in August

MacCaption and CaptionMaker now offer simplified configurations, 更多的功能, 有竞争力的价格.

3播放媒体: Captions Aren't Just a Good Idea, They're the Law

Government regulations spell out exactly what online video needs to be captioned. 了解法律以避免罚款和诉讼.


Lockheed Martin explains how it webcasts to all employees at once, even the hearing impaired.