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It’s apparent that more 和更多的 organizations are recognizing the dramatic improvement in collaboration and productivity that is facilitated by face-to-face interactions via real-time video communication,本·平克顿说, Vidyo公司的技术营销经理.

平克顿说 Vidyo公司, 是什么让Vidyo公司平台成为基于企业的视频协作, 看到几个因素导致视频的使用不断增加, 通过桌面和移动客户端, 在企业中.

“劳动力日益分散, the consumerization of IT—commonly known as bring-your-own-device (BYOD)—and the swelling demand for communications enabled business processes all contribute,平克顿说.

协作, content, 对话, 合作, and even coopetition—collaboration between competitors—are just a few of the buzzwords surrounding the idea of enterprise video use. 但是供应商所说的企业协作解决方案究竟是什么意思呢?

这是一个棘手的问题. Let’s start, 虽然, with what enterprise collaboration is not, at least from a video standpoint. 它不仅仅是一个门户,一个content管理系统,甚至是一个社交网络. 但它包含了这三个方面.

大多数公司都有门户和内部网平台, 有些是相当健壮的, but they are primarily designed to push 信息 outward in a one-to-many broadcast approach. Think of them as the electronic equivalent of the human resources (HR) or occupational safety bulletin boards that are covered with work regulations and material safety data sheets (MSDS).

内部企业(enterprise)的概念, (简而言之)合作正在兴起, 企业社交网络正在引领这一潮流. 尽管近年来他们的受欢迎程度有所下降, internal social networks provide a way for employees to post 虽然ts and action items for other employees to see. These were the “Facebook for Enterprise” solutions many vendors offered when Facebook was a new phenomenon among thirtysomethings.

最后,CMS本身并不具有协作性. From the classic CMS to corporate blogs to HubSpot or social media management tools, these tools are often about publishing content beyond the confines of the firewall. 像这样, they aren’t enterprise collaboration tools; they’re designed to be outward-facing ways to engage existing or potential customers.

Enterprise collaboration tools use bits and pieces of each of these categories to focus 对话 and inward-facing 合作 for the benefit of the overall organization.


Yet there might be an even more compelling reason to collaborate, at least for small businesses. 视频网络服务提供商打来电话 牛仔裤网 (“because they’re comfortable”) rolled out a study last month that looked at how video-based collaboration is changing the way small and medium businesses compete. 这看起来很像合作.

牛仔裤网在美国有很大的市场份额.S.它在澳大利亚的业务也在不断增长. 该公司委托研究企业协作, 从小型企业到大型企业, 横跨澳大利亚大陆.

“合作不应该只留给那些旅行预算昂贵的人,凯利·西利格说, 高级主管, 营销传播, 在牛仔裤网. “与客户面对面接触, 合作伙伴, 甚至竞争对手对推动企业创新也至关重要.”

因为牛仔裤网的前提是销售视频协作服务, Seelig带来的研究结果表明,澳大利亚的创新是被驱动的, 至少在某种程度上是这样, by small businesses collaborating with one another— back around to how video collaboration can help drive innovation.

“使用最新的基于云的视频协作工具, 每个人都可以采用更具创新性的工作文化,谢林说。.


因为企业视频协作具有如此广泛的用例集, it stands to reason that a number of types of tools are available for collaboration.

说到行业类型, 虽然, 不同的不仅仅是工具本身,还有工具箱本身. 即使我们把范围缩小到企业视频协作工具, 适当的点点滴滴可能有点难以确定.

举个例子, 考虑三个用例:移动销售战士, 办公室职员, 还是行业的现场主管.

移动销售战士需要文档和数据, 与有限的需要看到合作者, 除非这是她不能亲自参加的演示的一部分. 在光谱的另一端, 行业的现场主管, 比如管道, might have a much higher need to see both the collaborator and the problem a lesser-experienced collaborator is tasked with solving. 在这种情况下, the need for very good video connectivity in tight spaces could mean a difference between completing a task with the proper parts or being forced into a longer time frame of trial-and-error work.

在中间的用例是办公室员工, tasked with accessing both documents and data as well as audio (phone) and video collaboration.

对于所有这三个用例, 虽然, 在比较协作工具时,需要考虑以下几点.

数据或视频? 或两个?

One of the areas where collaboration gets rather muddy is the overall need for video versus data (e.g.、屏幕共享和文档协作).

你的团队主要需要视频协作还是数据协作? 或者它是否需要在两者之间来回切换的选项? If so, be careful to choose a tool that is flexible in both video and data collaboration. Also, be forewarned that not all data-centric tools have robust videoconferencing capabilities.


如果你在企业技术领域工作过一段时间, you know that the tools some executives are comfortable with are not the tools of choice for others. For screen-sharing or presentation-centric tools alone, some executives like join.me, others prefer WebEx, and others might like Microsoft’s SharePoint or Adobe’s Connect. 选择可能是压倒性的, 但是,统一的选择可能会给企业内部的部署带来灾难.

在Mark Kapko的一篇优秀的文章中可以找到一个例子 首席信息官 杂志称为 “为什么cio不能销售企业协作工具?.” It explores how chief 信息 officers have to navigate not only between the functional needs but also between the generational differences.

“千禧一代更喜欢视频和短信, 并采用了Slack和HipChat等较新的协作工具,Kapko写道, 总结Chris McKewon的评论, 他指出,“年长的高管们仍在努力掌握WebEx和GoToMeeting, 不幸的是,没有共同点.”

McKewon, 管理服务提供商exceptionnetworks的创始人兼首席执行官, 他补充道:“首席信息官们必须驾驭并取悦不同的年龄群体.”

换句话说, differences in work style and comfort level with certain platforms can lead to stark differences in adoption of chosen technologies.


This question goes to the technological heart of some of the generational differences mentioned above.

例如, both the 首席信息官 article and the 牛仔裤网 study reveal that younger employees tend to want to collaborate via messaging—including video messages, which have taken hold thanks to several popular applications—than real-time collaboration. 在蓝色牛仔裤的基础研究中, 虽然, 甚至在X世代之间也存在差异, Y一代, 以及千禧一代在使用实时协作方面的表现.

Understanding that difference may be the key to selling the concept of video collaboration for business to the newest round of employees, 因为他们已经很熟悉个人使用了.

“Y世代的劳动力, which expects real-time collaboration and face-to-face video as basic working tools, 已经戒掉了对即时通讯软件的依赖, 基于云的社交平台和iPad视频通话,牛仔裤网络的研究指出, adding that “43 percent of Y一代 entrepreneurs are attracted to external collaboration because it can accelerate the development of new products and service.”

集成设备vs. 独立视频应用

因为大多数笔记本电脑和智能手机都配有摄像头, many assume that video collaboration tools from the consumer space fit well into enterprise environments that are already adopting the BYOD approach.

Yet the sheer number of low-cost or free video collaboration options can seem overwhelming: FaceTime for iOS smartphones and tablets and Mac OS X computers, Skype, 商务Skype, 微软的Lync, ooVoo, 推出, WhatsApp, and a host of other options come built-in or are available for little or no cost.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


该报告涵盖了高容量的调查结果, 不思进取而且死抓桌面系统, 固定价格的网络直播, 着眼于手机支持, 所使用的媒体类型, 和更多的.


来自accorent的工具, Adobe, Brainshark, HP, Market7, Mixmoov, VUELIVE, 和Watchitoo都提供了不同的在线视频协作方式