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Adobe's Flash Access and Microsoft's PlayReady aren't the only solutions for digital rights management—Widevine and Irdeto are two others—but they're by far the biggest names in the DRM field. 以下是这些公司希望你了解的关于他们服务的信息.

微软开发媒体DRM技术已经有十多年了. The early days focused on a technology package called Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM) that primarily integrated with the Windows Media Player.

"This wealth of experience was applied to the development of 微软PlayReady technology,乔纳森·亚瑟说, 微软内容访问和保护组的主管. “PlayReady得益于多年的软件工程经验, so we designed PlayReady to have far broader usage scenarios than WMDRM because the industry increasingly needed a content access and protection technology that enables business rules to be applied to essentially any type of content."

Microsoft sees PlayReady as a technology that protects more than just audio and video. Business rules that are applicable to audio and video are generic enough to be applicable to other content types.

“能够保护广泛的内容类型,包括图像, 游戏, 等等,是我们方法的关键,亚瑟说。, "since both the types of protected video content and the business models are many and varied-purchase, 租赁, 订阅, 按次付费."

On the video streaming front, Microsoft supports a wide range of audio and video codecs, including H.264, VC-1, and WMV, in addition to AAC/AAC+/Enhanced AAC+ and WMA audio codecs.

I asked Usher about the tie-in between PlayReady and Silverlight playback on a computer. 毕竟, 截至2010年3月, Silverlight has installations approaching 60 percent of all Internet-connected devices worldwide-a jump, 招待员说, 自2009年11月以来下降了近15个百分点.

Silverlight使用PlayReady技术进行内容保护, 启用rich的保护下发, 动态, 互动体验,亚瑟说。.  “这些体验可以在pc和mac上享受, 在未来, also on embedded devices-via recently announced System-on-a-Chip (SoC) platform support in Silverlight 4. 我们现在还包括对离线内容的支持, allowing both in-browser or out-of-browser experiences beyond Silverlight's traditional online streaming content focus."

“PlayReady功能从一个前提开始,亚瑟说。, "and that is to help consumers more easily access and share protected content among their devices-including domains and embedded license support-while protecting the content to the level a content owner requires."

The ability to protect content in Silverlight scenarios for delivery to both PCs and Macs is important, but 招待员说 it's equally important to consider offline content needs.

"PlayReady has a key role in enabling content access and protection for many scenarios involving high value content,他接着说. “预计会有更广泛的使用,包括台式机, 消费电子和嵌入式设备, we designed PlayReady so that it could be readily implemented on a wide range of platforms and devices, including Windows PCs and Macs (via Silverlight) as well as consumer devices ranging from mobile phones to portable media players, 连接电视, 机顶盒.

例如, 今年早些时候, the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE) selected PlayReady as a DRM technology that all DECE Retailers are required to utilize in delivering content,用户说。, referring to the selection process in which he DECE picked five DRM technologies, 包括PlayReady, 消费类电子设备.

“对于那些认为DRM互操作性很重要的客户, PlayReady supports DRM interoperability via the Protected Interoperable File Format (PIFF),他接着说. "PIFF is a standards-based file format that enables DRM interoperability and is the foundation for the DECE common media file format specification.  PIFF also provides a single encoding format for distribution of audio and video content via adaptive streaming, 下载, 本地或光存储, 侧载, 等等......."

PlayReady has a licensable porting kit that manufacturers use to port PlayReady to their devices. According to Usher, the kit includes an ANSI-C source code form of PlayReady and documentation.

“我们还授权了PlayReady PC软件开发工具包,他说, "to enable developers to build PlayReady support directly into their applications. It includes support for both AES standard encryption as well as WMDRM's encryption technology so as to provide backwards-compatibility for WMDRM-protected content."


“在4月, Samsung Electronics announced plans to include PlayReady in a broad range of its consumer products,他说, "包括移动电话, 数字视频播放器, 电视, 还有其他设备. 更一般的, we're also seeing very high growth in the number of companies who have licensed PlayReady. A year ago there were 50 PlayReady licensees; today there are over 150 licensees."

Microsoft says it uses its own PlayReady technology in its media offerings.

"Microsoft is implementing PlayReady ourselves in key products such as Microsoft Mediaroom 2.0,亚瑟说。, 指的是该公司广泛部署的IPTV平台, "to enable new entertainment scenarios on a range of devices including set-top boxes. 我们还使用PIFF进行域回放, 为消费者提供更加无缝的场景, 输出保护, 支持受保护的H.跨设备类型和平台的264/AAC内容传输."

PlayReady is also backed by a 24/7 breach management team and has renewable security to maximize its effectiveness. It is being used today to protect content for many of the world's top online video content services-including services from BSkyB (Sky Player), Netflix(即时观看), 雅虎! 日本、Canal+、RTL、TV2挪威、Telenor、瑞士电信等等. 

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A simple guide through the complex landscape of multiple DRM technologies. Learn what DRM is, and how to choose and deploy the best solution for each platform.


The video industry has learned from the music industry's disastrous example, 并创建了公平的权利管理系统.