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CES Warm-Up: Whither Google TV?

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In the midst of the holiday revelry, 3D电视的销量低于预期,但却提振了价格较低的高清平板电视的销量, 关于本周在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上可能展出的产品,新一轮的猜测出现了.

Just before Christmas, The 纽约时报 ran 一篇文章指出,谷歌已经要求几家消费电子产品制造商推迟展示他们的谷歌电视产品, integrated in to set-top boxes, inter网-equipped TVs 和 media players.

“谷歌电视刚刚取消了它的第一个节目,”这个故事开始了. 下个月在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)本应是谷歌新电视软件的盛大亮相派对, which adds web video 和 other computer smarts to TV sets. Although Google already has a deal with Sony for its inter网 TVs, other television makers-Toshiba, LG电子(LG Electronics), 和 Sharp-were prepared to flaunt their versions of the systems. But Google has asked the TV makers to delay their introductions, according to people familiar with the company's plans, so that it can refine the software, which has received a lukewarm reception."

Google didn't rapidly jump out in front of the story, leaving several days of speculation, 另一篇报道援引索尼高管的话说,销售额“符合预期”,但拒绝提供具体数字.

随后,12月24日又有一则新闻报道,《百家乐软件》援引不知名消息来源称,罗技已要求其台湾合同制造商停止生产, at least temporarily.

“据报道,罗技已通知技嘉科技在2010年12月至2011年1月期间暂时停止销售reve机顶盒," wrote Digitimes' Monica Chen, 理由是谷歌可以“完成更新或为谷歌电视推出新版本的软件”, according to industry sources . . . Component suppliers in Taiwan expect Google to unveil Android 3.0 in the second half of February or March 2011 at the earliest, 和 related supporting suppliers will then resume shipments."

两天内, Logitech was in a full-on press to refute the evidence, 哪些像eWeek这样的出版物是谷歌电视即将中断的第二个来源.

eWeek的克林特•博尔顿写道:“罗技与媒体展开了激烈的较量. 罗技的理由是,由于谷歌电视的升级是通过无线传输的,他们没有必要要求暂停新组件的研发, the same way software updates are sent to Android phones.

罗技必须知道存在担忧,博尔顿继续说道,并引用了原文 纽约时报 文章,以及罗技拒绝确认或否认电子时报的文章时,CNET的报道人员.

最后, 12月28日, Google stepped in to the fray, inferring a denial to the delay, 然后试图把话题转移到更高的高度.

“我们的目标是与广泛的消费电子制造商合作," said Google spokesperson Gina Weakley, " to help drive the next-generation TV-watching experience, 我们期待着与其他合作伙伴合作,在未来几年将更多的设备推向市场."

毫无疑问,“未来几年”可能会让一些阴谋论者展望一整年, rather than just over the weekend at CES 和 into 2011, 但损害已经造成:如果谷歌的消费电子展合作伙伴推迟在消费电子展上展示谷歌电视产品, the concern over the platform's viability will grow.

除此之外,当涉及到可搜索和可观看的内容时,谷歌仍然无法在主要网络和有线媒体集团的数量方面聚集临界质量, 那么问题来了,延迟是编程延迟(如电视节目)还是编程延迟(如Android平台).

The Android Marketplace, scheduled for release in March 2011, will invariably be lacking on device demonstrations at CES, 但正如流媒体公司的丹·雷伯恩所指出的——按照《百家乐软件》最初的报道——在展会上至少会有一些谷歌电视的演示.

"I'm not a big fan of the Google TV platform," said Rayburn on his Business of Video blog, "as to date, it simply does not work the way it should. 但谷歌在这方面是长期的,谷歌电视不是谷歌需要在一夜之间获胜的东西. 与Vizio的合作非常有趣,因为Vizio致力于让尽可能多的人拥有优秀的电视技术, 以便宜的价格."

谷歌的Rishi Ch和ra也再次强调了Vizio的演示 The 纽约时报 是否有迹象表明Vizio是谷歌电视的新合作伙伴.

"We're constantly iterating on Google TV, adding new features 和 content, improving the user experience, 修复bug," said Ch和ra in The Official Google TV 博客. "We are in the early stages, 和 the future is bright. 今天,我很兴奋地与大家分享,我们将与一位新合作伙伴一起开启新的一年, Vizio, a leading TV maker in the U.S. Vizio正在生产一系列新的电视和一款整合了谷歌电视的蓝光播放器,将于今年晚些时候上市."

CES kicks off on January 6 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. StreamingMedia.com 和 its sister sites, OnlineVideo.网EventDVLive.com,将在整个展会期间提供各种报道,展会将于1月9日(周日)结束.

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