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企业视频不断前进, 包括特性和功能, at a pace almost even with consumer-focused media and entertainment streaming media. 无论是几年前我们看到的“企业用YouTube”趋势, 或者需要远离Silverlight和Flash, 自Windows Media时代以来,企业视频已经走过了漫长的道路.

正如 “企业视频现状” article, the move toward app- or browser-based playback has reached a critical point for enterprise-focused video, 大约落后于以消费者为中心的视频的相同趋势6个月.

Essentially, 两种方法都会产生相同的效果, 因为大多数Android或iOS上的原生应用都使用各自的原生浏览器. 使用基于应用程序的方法的好处是遏制, whether it be an ability to sandbox content or to force user authentication on a per-use basis.


Before a decision about apps versus browser-only video playback can be determined, the question of which enterprise video platform (EVP) approach to use needs to be assessed.

在实际的EVP部署方面, the decisions now emerging have as much to do with maintaining the same feature set of earlier home-grown solutions, including authentication and encryption as they do with initial price point—capital expenditures, 或者资本支出与持续运营费用之比.

As is the case with most information technology (IT) decisions on rolling out an enterprisewide solution, 构建vs购买的问题就出现了. In years past, the assumption would center on capex and opex for an on-prem solution.

However, 今天的决定不仅限于这两个选择, as myriad EVP solutions in the marketplace offer hybrid options that connect the benefits of the cloud—including content delivery network (CDN) functionality, 离线备份, and lesser reliance on internal development—with the continuing security and disaster recovery requirements of having at least a copy of mission-critical content on-site at a corporate location.


为本部分的买家指南, we’re going to use the example of a corporate communications group that wants to set up an EVP solution that handles both raw assets—still images, 原始视频内容, and acquisition metadata—as well as the transcoding and streaming delivery functionality.

In order to make a proper decision about build versus buy and on-prem versus cloud-only solutions, 考虑以下问题.


In other words, if one part of your corporate communication team acquires 原始视频内容 in Las Colinas but needs to get it to a team member in Los Angeles for post-production work, will that content be moved across the internal corporate network or via an external-facing network (e.g.(互联网)?

在某些情况下, the IT department forbids use of its internal network not just for raw content transfer but also for finished-product delivery via streaming on the network. 虽然这可能不再是合理的, since most app- and browser-based video-on-demand content (VOD) is delivered from HTTP servers that are common on today’s modern IT networks, the collective memory of IT recalls a time when the term “streaming” connoted a set of specialized protocols that they feared would overwhelm the corporate network and impede mission-critical content delivery.


One thing you’ll find in pricing various cloud-based EVP solutions is that overall they’re pretty expensive on a per-terabyte-per-month basis.

The reasoning behind this seems to stem from one of the two major philosophical approaches to software-as-a-service (SaaS) EVP pricing: charge a premium for either the necessary roles or the needed storage. Many EVPs that offer low-cost role-based user accounts will counter those lower prices with higher online storage prices.

If, however, your IT department already has an arrangement with an online storage provider—such as Amazon, Box, Dropbox, Egnyte, Google, or Microsoft—then there may be room for negotiation with an EVP around the amount of online storage needed to house both your raw assets and finished video projects.

Some EVPs have announced integration with one or more of the online storage vendors, and they are willing to negotiate a middle ground that balances user role pricing versus online storage pricing.

简而言之,对您的IT团队已经协商的内容做足功课. If you find that there’s already an online storage agreement in place for a set number of cloud-based terabytes of storage, request permission to bump up the cloud-based storage size to a level that accommodates enterprise video’s hefty storage requirements, and then use that much less expensive cloud-based storage in negotiations with an EVP solution provider.


企业视频平台继续发展的一个领域是可扩展性, meaning they have the application programming interfaces (APIs or “hooks”) to more easily tie functionality into a third-party app or even a desktop application.

But the question of whether internal resources can integrate via APIs remains an uncertainty for other departments within an enterprise.

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Microsoft, Kaltura, Brightcove, 还有一些人在工作中使用流媒体视频, 创造任何观众都会喜欢的尖端功能.


从管道到像素,企业视频安全正在成为一项大业务. This article puts a spotlight on three types of content security solutions: encryption, 权限管理, 内容管理.


在一个激动人心的复兴时期, new features and new formats stemming from last year's entertainment solutions bring significant changes to the enterprise. 以下是值得关注的七个方面.


企业视频供应商正在兜售一系列新功能, 从企业YouTube到HTML5支持, but enterprises themselves—particularly in the financial sector—move slowly and face hurdles to adopting the latest technologies


Organizations create and watch internally-focused video at a much higher rate than they did in 2015, 并将桌面和移动视频支持视为必不可少的.