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Ankeena And Juniper Networks Announce Partnership


Ankeena Networks, who recently changed its name from Nokeena Networks, has announced the first of several key partnerships, this one with Juniper Networks.

瞻博网络是一家提供“大铁”路由器的公司,这些路由器用于互联网和IP网络上的大容量传输. As such, Juniper competes with Cisco, Foundry, and a few other companies, 两家公司都在寻找解决视频流量爆炸性增长的办法. Ankeena, 经过几年的研发,最近从隐形模式中脱颖而出, 有一款名为Media Flow Director的产品,旨在塑造媒体内容的交付方式.

“我们与Juniper一起对一些关键客户进行了联合发现访问," said Prabakar Sundarrajan, Akeena's CTO and co-founder, "as we both wanted to jointly validate the market need. 我们向客户展示了联合解决方案的潜力. 当我们说“这是我们认为有意义的东西”时,得到的反应是压倒性的积极. Does it work for you?'"

"Juniper's CEO announced our partnership at the Web 2.0 conference recently," said Anshu Agarwal, vice president of product marketing at Ankeena, 在本周的SCTE电缆技术博览会上,我们出现在了瞻博网络的展台上. 宣布合作的时机让瞻博网络展示了它的安装基础, who need a solution to growing video traffic, 结合Juniper的高性能基础设施和Ankeena的媒体基础设施."

As part of today's partnership announcement, 瞻博网络将向Ankeena提供其JUNOS软件(Juniper路由器的核心软件)以及瞻博网络的合作伙伴开发平台.

"Ankeena and Juniper share a common focus on openness, simplicity and flexibility," said Manoj Leelanivas, 他是Juniper Networks边缘和聚合业务部门的高级副总裁兼总经理. “通过将Juniper的JUNOS平台和高性能基础设施产品与Ankeena的技术相结合,将产生加速所有类型视频传输创新步伐的解决方案."

Ankeena has been targeting big customers, with equally big transportation needs, 与Juniper的联合努力与Ankeena正在进行的12项试验相吻合, 包括互联网服务提供商(ISPs)和有线电视提供商, 也被称为多系统运营商(mso)和电信公司. Ankeena says it is focused on emerging initiatives, 比如丹·雷伯恩在他的书中多次提到的“电视无处不在”的戏剧 Business of Online Video blog.

"The specifics have not been announced," said , 但合并应该会在明年的某个时候出现."

当被问及Juniper和Ankeena合作带来的具体好处时, Sundarrajan noted three.

"Gestalt occurs at several points," he said. "First, 联合方法的好处是决定哪些需要优化,哪些不需要优化,这可能发生在路由器或网络中的深度数据包检测(DPI)点上."

"Second, 我们可以根据政策共同确定- sd内容将被限制在2Mbps, 作为一个例子,但是对于跨网络从Media Flow Director强制执行的策略,要求策略与, not at odds with, policies established at the router."

"Finally, with information from the router, the subscriber management systems, and other points across the network, 这种联合方法使我们有机会优化整个服务提供商网络的交付."

Ankeena的方法使用了一种灵活的内容分发网络(CDN)模型, on one hand, guarantee delivery, while on the other hand, also address spectrum limitations.

"To date, 服务提供商和网络运营商被迫采取代价高昂的措施,以应对新媒体流量激增带来的质量和可扩展性挑战," said Rajan Raghavan, CEO and co-founder, Ankeena Networks. “这些新的解决方案旨在进一步加速传统娱乐媒体和互联网的融合, enabling new content delivery business models."

“我们不能违反网络中立政策或用户隐私规定," said Sundarrajan, the CTO, “所以我们的解决方案远离这些界限的‘清晰明线’, 同时也解决了无线服务提供商和其他面临有限频谱和日益增长的视频内容需求的公司的需求. Our solutions can address media traffic as a whole, 动态地、均等地限制无线信号塔上每个用户的带宽, for instance, 而不是消除添加其他客户的能力."

Ankeena, 谁还在NetScaler VPX负载均衡器上与思杰合作, and NetApp, 表示将在流媒体西部活动期间宣布其他功能和产品改进,which will be held in San Jose from November 17-19, 2009.

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