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Today's announcement of the immediate availability of Flash Access 2.特洛伊·德雷尔(Troy Dreier)在a 单独的文章,是Flash 2010年路线图的重要组成部分. The digital rights management (DRM) solution formerly known as Flash Media Rights Management Server 1.0现在是一种更加模块化的许可和加密方法.

但是对于Flash Access 2.0, to work most effectively, it requires the release of two additional tools‚-Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe's HTTP动态流-neither of which is currently shipping. 

To understand the importance of these three pieces working together, 让我们回到几个月前, to the Adobe MAX conference.

在Adobe MAX之前不久, 是十月份在洛杉矶举行的吗, Adobe representatives set up a conference call to talk about DRM and HTTP delivery for content, both of which have been of great concern to content owners and delivery networks, 分别.

Adobe一直通过RTMP传输Flash流媒体视频, 一种专有的传输协议, and has more recently also offered an encrypted transport solution, RTMP-E. 直到今天, however, the company has not had a method for encrypting the bits once they are delivered to a desktop player.

This one-two punch of a proprietary protocol and lack of bit encryption was an ongoing concern to premium content owners. 迅速解决这些问题, Adobe在三个方面采取了行动:首先, it moved to open source RTMP; second, it promised an HTTP streaming solution; and, third, 它承诺为位加密提供一个基本的DRM解决方案.

Flash Access 2.0是第三个应许的果子. Adobe says it has learned a significant amount from feedback on the original Flash DRM solution.

"Feedback after the release of Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) was positive,弗洛里安·佩斯托尼说, Adobe富媒体解决方案的主要产品经理, 但FMRMS是一个基于生命周期的完整服务器解决方案. 反馈是它应该更加模块化, and that it should be offered as an SDK to content owners and content delivery networks, who wanted to separate license key servers from Flash Media Servers. "

Pestoni also said Flash Access moves from the idea of just having the transport pipe encrypted (which was a key feature of RTMP-E) to having all the bits of the content encrypted.

"The move from session encryption with RTMP-E to persistent encryption with Flash Access 2.0 is key,佩斯托尼说, "as many content owners may choose to download content to AIR-based rich internet applications, 离线观看. 自Flash Access 2以来.0内容将在Flash Player 10上播放.1及AIR 2.0, persistent encryption is an important step towards making offline players adhere to licensing and DRM concerns."

Flash Player 10.1有beta版本, 而且已经有一段时间了, with Adobe hopeful that the widespread adoption of the beta will mean that Flash Access 2.0许可证服务器, 在接下来的几周里,哪些人会被放鸽子, will be able to allow protected content to play back on a sizable number of desktops. 

Flash Player 10.1也允许通用H.264硬件加速播放, to push content to full-screen using the built-in or discrete graphics processors (GPUs) found in all desktop and laptop computers.

此外,adobeair 2.0也将在不久的将来发布, to accommodate offline content playback via the rich internet application model that Adobe has championed with AIR and its Flex-based programming counterpart to browser-based Flash playback.

三角形的另一部分是HTTP流. Some CDNs, 即Akamai, had already moved ahead with HTTP streaming systems that allowed Flash content to be served on less-expensive HTTP servers as progressive download content.  Adobe给出了答案, HTTP动态流, a "new protocol support for media streaming on the Flash Platform," although should not be construed as a new protocol being used on the Flash Media Server 3.5 (FMS).

当HTTP动态流于6月推出时, it will be available in two parts: a free version for video on demand, which according to Adobe "is expected to be available at no charge," and an HTTP动态流 version for live streaming which has pricing available upon request.

HTTP动态流和FMS将保持独立, with FMS handling streaming of content in RTMP or the encrypted RTMP-E, while HTTP动态流 will stream unprotected and protected content via standard HTTP servers.

不仅仅是Flash Player 10.1 for the desktop and HTTP动态流 for the server delivery side, however, there continues to be much discussion about the fate of Flash Lite, Adobe的移动电话, 精简版的Flash播放器, 以及在移动设备上使用成熟的Flash播放器.

It appears that Flash Lite will live on via its use-and potential upgraded feature set-on basic mobile handsets, but that it will be superseded by this newer version of Flash Player on smart phones, in line with Adobe's suggestion that Flash Player can now scale from mobile to embedded devices (set-top boxes) to the desktop.

我们知道,基于测试版本,Flash 10.1 is set to support mobile-centric features such as accelerometer awareness and multiple touch computing. Even as far back as six months ago, Adobe also stated one of its primary goals with Flash Player 10.1 on a mobile device is improved rendering while still conserving battery life, primarily through the use of hardware acceleration and subsequent lower memory consumption.

Adobe had stated at last year's Adobe MAX conference that it would make a test version of Flash Player 10.在2010年初为Android和Symbian推出, 继2009年末桌面版的测试版之后. These release times seem to have slipped a bit, since Flash Player 10.桌面版仍处于测试阶段, but the company remains hopeful that it will meet a beta release for Android, the Palm WebOS and Research in Motion (RIM) Blackberry devices within the year.



Adobe's Flash Access DRM solution is coming to Android tablets and other mobile platforms later this year


Adobe's Kevin Towes says the company embraces the notion of a web where HTML5 and Flash both have their places.