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看一下Flash Player 10.1


上周, Adobe announced that the third leg of its multi-faceted move toward dynamic streaming of H.264 HTTP content, complete with persistent encryption, was complete. Adobe Flash Player 10的发布.1和adobeair 2.0完成移动.


As 之前报道, Adobe's roadmap includes the release of Flash Access 2.0, a digital rights management (DRM) solution formerly known as Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS), to address persistent encryption of content, all the way down to the point at which files would be played on a desktop or mobile device.

"The move from session encryption with RTMP-E in FMRMS, to persistent encryption with Flash Access 2.0 is key" said Florian Pestoni, Adobe's principal product manager of rich media solutions. "Many content owners may choose to download content to AIR-based rich internet applications, 离线观看. 自Flash Access 2以来.0 content will play back on Flash Player 10.1及AIR 2.0, persistent encryption is an important step towards making offline players adhere to licensing and DRM concerns."

Flash Player 10的发布.1 provides the ability to play those bits, but it does not yet provide hardware acceleration for those viewing content on any platform other than Windows. Those on the Mac and Linux platforms will have to wait just a bit longer.

To get further clarification, I spoke with Tom Nguyen, product manager for Adobe Flash Player.

I asked Tom about the difference between hardware acceleration in Flash Player 10.0和新的Flash Player 10.1, as I remember reading in 2008 that Adobe was adding hardware acceleration across the Flash Player line, 无论何种平台.

"Flash Player 10 introduced hardware acceleration for drawing," said Nguyen. “然而, it required developers to design content with this feature in mind, and many graphics cards were not yet compatible with it."

"In contrast, the new hardware video acceleration in Flash Player 10.1 can transparently-and often dramatically-accelerate video playback performance for existing H.264 video all over the web," he continued. "With the use of hardware acceleration in Flash Player 10.1, this video will just play even more smoothly without requiring any changes."

"In addition, the video acceleration introduced in Flash Player 10.1 works with hardware across a wide range of devices, ranging from mobile devices to high-end notebooks and desktop computers,他说.

但是非windows设备呢?  Nguyen said it's coming, at varying speeds for varying platforms.

"We are continuing to investigate hardware acceleration capabilities for Linux," said Nguyen. "There are currently multiple APIs for video acceleration on Linux, with varying compatibility across different graphics hardware. We want to make sure we have a high-quality solution that works well across a range of devices."

在Mac平台上, Nguyen pointed out that hardware acceleration is available in a preview version of a post-10.1发布,以Gala的名义发布.

"H.264硬件解码在Mac OS X 10.6.3或更高版本当前可用 Adobe实验室 in the 'Gala' pre-release build of Flash Player,他说.

Nguyen also pointed out that the Flash Player 10.1 for Mac also has additional hardware acceleration for drawing, beyond what was available in Flash Player 10.

“适用于运行OS X 10的mac电脑.6或以上, we leverage the hardware acceleration in Core Animation to dramatically improve the efficiency of displaying web pages, 它结合了SWF和HTML内容,他说, 注意到更多的细节可以在 Adobe工程师Tinic Uro的博客. "The overall performance improvements of Flash Player for Mac users will result in faster video playback, 更高效的CPU利用率, 更长的电池寿命."

Finally, Nguyen pointed out a few other benefits for Mac-based Flash Player 10.1用户, 包括稳定性, which may address some of the perceived shortcomings that Apple's CEO, 史蒂夫•乔布斯, 曾公开指出.

“我们的Mac工程师, 在Safari团队的帮助下, made significant changes to Flash Player for Mac,Nguyen说. “首先是Flash Player 10.1 is a full-fledged Cocoa app (though legacy Carbon support remains for some browsers that require it). 我们现在利用Cocoa事件, 为我们的对话框使用Cocoa UI, 利用核心音频的声音, 核心图形打印支持, and use Core Foundation for bundle-style text."

"Mac performance was also an explicit focus for us," he continued. "One improvement we made is the use of a double-buffered OpenGL context for improved full-screen playback efficiency, and we also investigated a number of compile-time optimizations using Xcode to improve our overall execution speed of Flash Player on Macs."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Web-based tool makes it easy for beginners to add videos to their sites and blogs.

Flash Player 10.1 .移动设备到达

Mobile devices running a variety of operating systems will soon have access to a richer, 更具互动性的网页.